Your lease may receive a royalty suspension volume (RSV) under Sec. Sec. 203.31 through 203.36 if the lease meets all the requirements of this section.
(a) The lease is located in the GOM wholly west of 87 degrees, 30 minutes West longitude in water depths entirely less than 400 meters deep.
(b) The lease has not produced gas or oil from a deep well or an ultra-deep well, except as provided in Sec. 203.31(b).
(c) If the lease is located entirely in more than 200 meters and entirely less than 400 meters of water, it must either:
(1) Have been issued before November 28, 1995, and not been granted deep water royalty relief under 43 U.S.C. 1337(a)(3)(C), added by section 302 of the Deep Water Royalty Relief Act; or
(2) Have been issued after November 28, 2000, and not been granted deep water royalty relief under Sec. Sec. 203.60 through 203.79.