(a) You are required by Sec. 254.26(d)(1) to calculate the effective daily recovery capacity of the response equipment identified in your response plan that you would use to contain and recover your worst case discharge. You must calculate the effective daily recovery capacity of the equipment by multiplying the manufacturer's rated throughput capacity over a 24-hour period by 20 percent. This 20 percent efficiency factor takes into account the limitations of the recovery operations due to available daylight, sea state, temperature, viscosity, and emulsification of the oil being recovered. You must use this calculated rate to determine if you have sufficient recovery capacity to respond to your worst case discharge scenario.
(b) If you want to use a different efficiency factor for specific oil recovery devices, you must submit evidence to substantiate that efficiency factor. Adequate evidence includes verified performance data measured during actual spills or test data gathered according to the provisions of Sec. 254.45(b) and (c).