(a) MSHA will test only equipment that, in its opinion, is constructed of suitable materials, is of good workmanship, is based on sound engineering principles, and is safe for its intended use. Since all possible designs, arrangements, or combinations of components cannot be foreseen, MSHA reserves the right to modify the construction and design requirements of components or subassemblies and the tests to obtain the degree of protection intended by the tests described in Subpart C of this part.
(b) Unless otherwise noted, the requirements stated in this part shall apply to explosion-proof enclosures and intrinsically safe circuits.
(c) All components, subassemblies, and assemblies shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will not create an explosion or fire hazard.
(d) All assemblies or enclosures--explosion-proof or intrinsically safe--shall be so designed that the temperatures of the external surfaces, during continuous operation, do not exceed 150 [deg]C. (302 [deg]F.) at any point.
(e) Lenses or globes shall be protected against damage by guards or by location.
(f) If MSHA determines that an explosion hazard can be created by breakage of a bulb having an incandescent filament, the bulb mounting shall be so constructed that the bulb will be ejected if the bulb glass enclosing the filament is broken.
Note: Other methods that provide equivalent protection against explosion hazards from incandescent filaments may be considered satisfactory at the discretion of MSHA.