(a) The table in this paragraph (a) shows the fees that you must pay to BOEM for the services listed. The fees will be adjusted periodically according to the Implicit Price Deflator for Gross Domestic Product by publication of a document in the Federal Register. If a significant adjustment is needed to arrive at the new actual cost for any reason other than inflation, then a proposed rule containing the new fees will be published in the Federal Register for comment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service--processing of the
(1) Change in Designation of $164................. Sec. 550.143(d).
Operator.(2) Right-of-Use and Easement $2,569............... Sec. 550.165.
for State lessee.(3) [Reserved]...............(4) Exploration Plan (EP).... $3,442 for each Sec. 550.211(d).
surface location; no
fee for revisions.
(5) Development and $3,971 for each well Sec. 550.241(e).
Production Plan (DPP) or proposed; no fee for
Development Operations revisions.
Coordination Document (DOCD).(6) [Reserved]...............(7) Conservation Information $25,629.............. Sec. 550.296(a).
(b) Payment of the fees listed in paragraph (a) of this section must accompany the submission of the document for approval or be sent to an office identified by the Regional Director. Once a fee is paid, it is nonrefundable, even if an application or other request is withdrawn. If your application is returned to you as incomplete, you are not required to submit a new fee when you submit the amended application.
(c) Verbal approvals are occasionally given in special circumstances. Any action that will be considered a verbal permit approval requires either a paper permit application to follow the verbal approval or an electronic application submittal within 72 hours. Payment must be made with the completed paper or electronic application.