BOEM may grant you a right-of-use and easement on leased and unleased lands on the OCS, if you meet these requirements:
(a) You must need the right-of-use and easement to construct and maintain platforms, artificial islands, and installations and other devices at an OCS site other than an OCS lease you own, that are:
(1) Permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed; and
(2) Used for conducting exploration, development, and production activities or other operations on or off lease; or
(3) Used for other purposes approved by BOEM.
(b) You must exercise the right-of-use and easement according to the regulations of this part;
(c) You must meet the requirements at 30 CFR 556.35 (Qualification of lessees); establish a regional Company File as required by BOEM; and must meet bonding requirements;
(d) If you apply for a right-of-use and easement on a leased area, you must notify the lessee and give her/him an opportunity to comment on your application; and
(e) You must receive BOEM approval for all platforms, artificial islands, and installations and other devices permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed.
(f) You must pay a rental amount as required by paragraph (g) of this section if:
(1) You obtain a right-of-use and easement after January 12, 2004; or
(2) You ask BOEM to modify your right-of-use and easement to change the footprint of the associated platform, artificial island, or installation or device.
(g) If you meet either of the conditions in paragraph (f) of this section, you must pay a rental amount to BOEM as shown in the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Your right-of-use and easement You must pay a rental of $5 per acre
site is located in water depths per year with a minimum of $450 per
of less than 200 meters; year. The area subject to annual
rental includes the areal extent of
anchor chains, pipeline risers, and
other equipment associated with the
platform, artificial island,
installation or device.(2) Your right-of-use and easement You must pay a rental of $7.50 per
site is located in water depths acre per year with a minimum of
of 200 meters or greater; $675 per year. The area subject to
annual rental includes the areal
extent of anchor chains, pipeline
risers, and other equipment
associated with the platform,
artificial island, or installation
or device.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(h) You may make the rental payments required by paragraph (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this section on an annual basis, for a 5-year period, or for multiples of 5 years. You must make the first payment electronically through and you must include a copy of the confirmation receipt page with your right-of-use and easement application. You must make all subsequent payments before the respective time periods begin.
(i) Late payments. An interest charge will be assessed on unpaid and underpaid amounts from the date the amounts are due, in accordance with the provisions found in 30 CFR 1218.54. If you fail to make a payment that is late after written notice from BOEM, BOEM may initiate cancellation of the right-of-use grant and easement.