(a) If the Regional Director has reason to believe that an archaeological resource may exist in the lease area, the Regional Director will require in writing that your EP, DOCD, or DPP be accompanied by an archaeological report. If the archaeological report suggests that an archaeological resource may be present, you must either:
(1) Locate the site of any operation so as not to adversely affect the area where the archaeological resource may be; or
(2) Establish to the satisfaction of the Regional Director that an archaeological resource does not exist or will not be adversely affected by operations. This requires further archaeological investigation, conducted by an archaeologist and a geophysicist, using survey equipment and techniques the Regional Director considers appropriate. You must submit the investigation report to the Regional Director for review.
(b) If the Regional Director determines that an archaeological resource is likely to be present in the lease area and may be adversely affected by operations, the Regional Director will notify you immediately. You must not take any action that may adversely affect the archaeological resource until the Regional Director has told you how to protect the resource.
(c) If you discover any archaeological resource while conducting operations in the lease or right-of-way area, you must immediately halt operations within the area of the discovery and report the discovery to the BOEM Regional Director. If investigations determine that the resource is significant, the Regional Director will tell you how to protect it. Sec. 550.195 [Reserved]