The following administrative information must accompany your DPP or DOCD:
(a) Exempted information description (public information copies only). A description of the general subject matter of the proprietary information that is included in the proprietary copies of your DPP or DOCD or its accompanying information.
(b) Bibliography. (1) If you reference a previously submitted EP, DPP, DOCD, study report, survey report, or other material in your DPP or DOCD or its accompanying information, a list of the referenced material; and
(1) If you reference a previously submitted EP, DPP, DOCD, study report, survey report, or other material in your DPP or DOCD or its accompanying information, a list of the referenced material; and
(2) The location(s) where the Regional Supervisor can inspect the cited referenced material if you have not submitted it.
Review and Decision Process for the DPP or DOCD