Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 30  /  Part 560  /  Sec. 560.110 What bidding systems may BOEM use?

We will apply a single bidding system selected from those listed in this section to each tract included in an OCS lease sale. The following table lists bidding systems, the bid variables, and characteristics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------For the bidding system The bid variable is And the characteristics

(a) Cash bonus bid Cash bonus, The highest responsible

with a fixed royalty qualified bidder will

rate of not less than pay a royalty rate of

12.5 percent, not less than 12.5

percent at the beginning

of the lease period. We

will specify the royalty

rate for each tract

offered in the Notice of

OCS Lease Sale published

in the Federal Register.(b) Royalty rate bid Royalty rate, We will specify the fixed

with fixed cash amount of cash bonus the

bonus, highest responsible

qualified bidder must

pay in the Notice of OCS

Lease Sale published in

(1) We will calculate the

with a sliding royalty rate the highest

royalty rate of not responsible qualified

less than 12.5 bidder must pay using

percent at the either:

beginning of the (i) A sliding-scale

lease period, formula, which relates

the royalty rate to the

adjusted value or volume

of production, or

(ii) A schedule that

establishes the royalty

rate that we will apply

to specified ranges of

the adjusted value or

volume of production.

(2) We will determine the

adjusted value of

production by applying

an inflation factor to

the actual value of


(3) If you are the

successful high bidder,

your lease will include

the sliding-scale

formula or schedule and

will specify the lowest

and highest royalty

rates that will apply.

(4) You will pay a

royalty rate of not less

than 12.5 percent at the

beginning of the lease


(5) We will include the

sliding-scale royalty

formula or schedule,

inflation factor and

procedures for making

the inflation adjustment

and determining the

value or amount of

production in the Notice

of OCS Lease Sale

published in the Federal

(1) If we award you a

with fixed share of lease as the highest

the net profits of no responsible qualified

less than 30 percent, bidder, you will

determine the amount of

the net profit share

payment to the United

States for each month by

multiplying the net

profit share base times

the net profit share

rate, according to 30

CFR 1220.022. You will

calculate the net profit

share base according to

30 CFR 1220.021.

(2) You will pay a net

profit share of not less

than 30 percent.

(3) We will specify the

capital recovery factor,

as described in 30 CFR

1220.020, and the net

profit share rate, both

of which may vary from

tract to tract, in the

Notice of OCS Lease Sale

published in the Federal

(1) We may suspend or

variable royalty defer royalty for a

rate(s) during one or period, volume, or value

more periods of of production.

production, Notwithstanding

suspensions or

deferrals, we may impose

a minimum royalty. The

suspensions or deferrals

may vary based on prices

or price changes of oil

and/or gas.

(2) You may pay a royalty

rate less than 12.5

percent on production

but not less than zero


(3) We will specify the

applicable royalty

rates(s) and suspension

or deferral magnitudes,

formulas, or

relationships in the

Notice of OCS Lease Sale

published in the Federal

Register.(f) Cash bonus with Cash bonus, We will base the royalty

royalty rate(s) based rate on formula(s) or

on formula(s) or schedule(s) specified in

schedule(s) during the Notice of OCS Lease

one or more periods Sale published in the

of production, Federal Register.(g) Cash bonus with a Cash bonus, Except for periods of

fixed royalty rate of royalty suspension, you

not less than 12.5 will pay a fixed royalty

percent, at the rate of not less than

beginning of the 12.5 percent. If we

lease period, award to you a lease

suspension of under this system, you

royalties for a must calculate the

period, volume, or royalty due during the

value of production, designated period using

or depending upon the rate, formula, or

selected schedule specified in

characteristics of the lease. We will

extraction, and with specify the royalty

suspensions that may rate, formula, or

vary based on the schedule in the Notice

price of production, of OCS Lease Sale

published in the Federal
