When a train is under the direction of a brakeman and the train operator cannot clearly recognize the brakeman's signals, the train operator shall bring the train to a stop.
Sec. Appendix I to Subpart M of Part 57--National Consensus Standards
Mine operators seeking further information regarding the construction and installation of falling object protective structures (FOPS) may consult the following national consensus standards, as applicable.
MSHA Standard 57.14106, Falling Object Protection------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equipment National consensus standard------------------------------------------------------------------------Front-end loaders and bulldozers.......... Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE) minimum
performance criteria for
falling object protective
structures (FOPS) SAE J231--
January, 1981.Fork-lift trucks.......................... American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) safety
standard for low lift and
high lift trucks, B 56.1,
section 7.27--1983; or
American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) standard,
rough terrain fork lift
trucks, B 56.6--1987.------------------------------------------------------------------------