Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 30  /  Part 585  /  Sec. 585.1006 How will BOEM decide whether to issue an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) We will consider requests for an Alternate Use RUE on a case-by-case basis. In considering such requests, we will consult with relevant Federal agencies and evaluate whether the proposed activities involving the use of an existing OCS facility can be conducted in a manner that:

(1) Ensures safety and minimizes adverse effects to the coastal and marine environments, including their physical, atmospheric, and biological components, to the extent practicable;

(2) Does not inhibit or restrain orderly development of OCS mineral or energy resources; and

(3) Avoids serious harm or damage to, or waste of, any natural resource (including OCS mineral deposits and oil, gas, and sulphur resources in areas leased or not leased), any life (including fish and other aquatic life), or property (including sites, structures, or objects of historical or archaeological significance);

(4) Is otherwise consistent with subsection 8(p) of the OCS Lands Act; and

(5) BOEM can effectively regulate.

(b) Based on the evaluation that we perform under paragraph (a) of this section, the BOEM may authorize or reject, or authorize with modifications or stipulations, the proposed activity.