(a) You must submit the results of the following surveys for the proposed site(s) of your facility(ies). Your COP must include the following information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Shallow hazards......... The results of the Information
shallow hazards sufficient to
survey with determine the
supporting data. presence of the
following features
and their likely
effects on your
proposed facility,
(i) Shallow
(ii) Gas seeps or
shallow gas;
(iii) Slump
blocks or slump
(iv) Hydrates; or
(v) Ice scour of
(2) Geological survey The results of the Assessment of:
relevant to the design and geological survey (i) Seismic activity
siting of your facility. with supporting at your proposed
data. site;
(ii) Fault zones;
(iii) The
possibility and
effects of seabed
subsidence; and
(iv) The extent and
geometry of
attenuation effects
of geologic
conditions near
your site.(3) Biological.............. The results of the A description of the
biological survey results of
with supporting biological surveys
data. used to determine
the presence of
live bottoms, hard
bottoms, and
features, and
surveys of other
marine resources
such as fish
marine mammals, sea
turtles, and sea
birds.(4) Geotechnical survey..... The results of your (i) The results of a
sediment testing testing program
program with used to investigate
supporting data, the stratigraphic
the various field and engineering
and laboratory test properties of the
methods employed, sediment that may
and the affect the
applicability of foundations or
these methods as anchoring systems
they pertain to the for your facility.
quality of the (ii) The results of
samples, the type adequate in situ
of sediment, and testing, boring,
the anticipated and sampling at
design application. each foundation
You must explain location, to
how the engineering examine all
properties of each important sediment
sediment stratum and rock strata to
affect the design determine its
of your facility. strength
In your classification,
explanation, you deformation
must describe the properties, and
uncertainties dynamic
inherent in your characteristics.
overall testing (iii) The results of
program, and the a minimum of one
reliability and deep boring (with
applicability of soil sampling and
each test method. testing) at each
edge of the project
area and within the
project area as
needed to determine
the vertical and
lateral variation
in seabed
conditions and to
provide the
geotechnical data
required for
design.(5) Archaeological resources The results of the A description of the
archaeological historic and
resource survey prehistoric
with supporting archaeological
data. resources, as
required by the
NHPA (16 U.S.C. 470
et. seq.), as
amended.(6) Overall site An overall site An analysis of the
investigation. investigation potential for:
report for your (i) Scouring of the
facility that seabed;
integrates the (ii) Hydraulic
findings of your instability;
shallow hazards (iii) The occurrence
surveys and of sand waves;
geologic surveys, (iv) Instability of
and, if required, slopes at the
your subsurface facility location;
surveys with (v) Liquefaction, or
supporting data. possible reduction
of sediment
strength due to
increased pore
(vi) Degradation
of subsea
(vii) Cyclic
(viii) Lateral
(ix) Dynamic
(x) Settlements
(xi) Plastic
deformation and
mechanisms; and
(xii) Sediment
reactions on the
foundations or
(b) Your COP must include the following project-specific information, as applicable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Contact information................ The name, address, e-mail
address, and phone number of
an authorized representative.(2) Designation of operator, if As provided in Sec. 585.405.
applicable.(3) The construction and operation A discussion of the objectives,
concept. description of the proposed
activities, tentative schedule
from start to completion, and
plans for phased development,
as provided in Sec. 585.629.(4) Commercial lease stipulations and A description of the measures
compliance. you took, or will take, to
satisfy the conditions of any
lease stipulations related to
your proposed activities.
(5) A location plat.................... The surface location and water
depth for all proposed and
existing structures,
facilities, and appurtenances
located both offshore and
onshore, including all anchor/
mooring data.(6) General structural and project Information for each type of
design, fabrication, and installation. structure associated with your
project and, unless BOEM
provides otherwise, how you
will use a CVA to review and
verify each stage of the
project.(7) All cables and pipelines, including Location, design and
cables on project easements. installation methods, testing,
maintenance, repair, safety
devices, exterior corrosion
protection, inspections, and
decommissioning.(8) A description of the deployment Safety, prevention, and
activities. environmental protection
features or measures that you
will use.(9) A list of solid and liquid wastes Disposal methods and locations.
generated.(10) A listing of chemical products A list of chemical products
used (if stored volume exceeds used; the volume stored on
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) location; their treatment,
Reportable Quantities). discharge, or disposal methods
used; and the name and
location of the onshore waste
receiving, treatment, and/or
disposal facility. A
description of how these
products would be brought
onsite, the number of
transfers that may take place,
and the quantity that that
will be transferred each time.(11) A description of any vessels, An estimate of the frequency
vehicles, and aircraft you will use to and duration of vessel/vehicle/
support your activities. aircraft traffic.(12) A general description of the (i) Under normal conditions.
operating procedures and systems. (ii) In the case of accidents
or emergencies, including
those that are natural or
manmade.(13) Decommissioning and site clearance A discussion of general
(i) The U.S. Coast Guard, U.S.
and local authorizations, approvals, Army Corps Of Engineers, and
or permits that are required to any other applicable
conduct the proposed activities, authorizations, approvals, or
including commercial operations. permits, including any
Federal, State or local
authorizations pertaining to
energy gathering, transmission
or distribution (e.g.,
(ii) A statement indicating
whether you have applied for
or obtained such
authorization, approval, or
permit.(15) Your proposed measures for A description of the measures
avoiding, minimizing, reducing, you will use to avoid or
eliminating, and monitoring minimize adverse effects and
environmental impacts. any potential incidental take
before you conduct activities
on your lease, and how you
will mitigate environmental
impacts from your proposed
activities, including a
description of the measures
you will use as required by
subpart H of this part.(16) Information you incorporate by A listing of the documents you
reference. referenced.(17) A list of agencies and persons Contact information and issues
with whom you have communicated, or discussed.
with whom you will communicate,
regarding potential impacts associated
with your proposed activities.(18) Reference......................... A list of any document or
published source that you cite
as part of your plan. You may
reference information and data
discussed in other plans you
previously submitted or that
are otherwise readily
available to BOEM.(19) Financial assurance............... Statements attesting that the
activities and facilities
proposed in your COP are or
will be covered by an
appropriate bond or security,
as required by Sec. Sec.
585.515 and 585.516.(20) CVA nominations for reports CVA nominations for reports in
required in subpart G of this part. subpart G of this part, as
required by Sec. 585.706, or
a request for a waiver under
Sec. 585.705(c).(21) Construction schedule............. A reasonable schedule of
construction activity showing
significant milestones leading
to the commencement of
commercial operations.(22) Air quality information........... As described in Sec. 585.659
of this section.(23) Other information................. Additional information as
required by BOEM.------------------------------------------------------------------------