(a) BOEM will review your submitted COP, and the information provided pursuant to Sec. 585.627, to determine if it contains all the required information necessary to conduct our technical and environmental reviews. We will notify you if your submitted COP lacks any necessary information.
(b) BOEM will prepare an appropriate NEPA analysis.
(c) If your COP is submitted after lease issuance, BOEM will forward one copy of your COP, consistency certification, and associated data and information under the CZMA to the applicable State CZMA agency or agencies after all information requirements for the COP are met.
(d) As appropriate, BOEM will coordinate and consult with relevant Federal, State, and local agencies and affected Indian Tribes, and provide to them relevant nonproprietary data and information pertaining to your proposed activities.
(e) During the review process, we may request additional information if we determine that the information provided is not sufficient to complete the review and approval process. If you fail to provide the requested information, BOEM may disapprove your COP.
(f) Upon completion of our technical and environmental reviews and other reviews required by Federal law (e.g., CZMA), BOEM may approve, disapprove, or approve with modifications your COP.
(1) If we approve your COP, we will specify terms and conditions to be incorporated into your COP. You must certify compliance with certain of those terms and conditions, as required under Sec. 585.633(b); and
(2) If we disapprove your COP, we will inform you of the reasons and allow you an opportunity to resubmit a revised plan addressing the concerns identified, and may suspend the term of your lease, as appropriate, to allow this to occur.
(g) If BOEM approves your project easement, BOEM will issue an addendum to your lease specifying the terms of the project easement. A project easement may include off-lease areas that:
(1) Contain the sites on which cable, pipeline, or associated facilities are located;
(2) Do not exceed 200 feet (61 meters) in width, unless safety and environmental factors during construction and maintenance of the associated cables or pipelines require a greater width; and
(3) For associated facilities, are limited to the area reasonably necessary for power or pumping stations or other accessory facilities. [76 FR 64623, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 79 FR 21625, Apr. 17, 2014]