(a) You must provide the following results of geophysical and geological surveys, hazards surveys, archaeological surveys (if required), and baseline collection studies (e.g., biological) with the supporting data in your GAP: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Geotechnical............ The results from the A description of all
geotechnical survey relevant seabed and
with supporting engineering data
data. and information to
allow for the
design of the
foundation for that
facility. You must
provide data and
information to
depths below which
the underlying
conditions will not
influence the
integrity or
performance of the
structure. This
could include a
series of sampling
locations (borings
and in situ tests)
as well as
laboratory testing
of soil samples,
but may consist of
a minimum of one
deep boring with
samples.(2) Shallow hazards......... The results from the A description of
shallow hazards information
survey with sufficient to
supporting data. determine the
presence of the
following features
and their likely
effects on your
proposed facility,
(i) Shallow
(ii) Gas seeps or
shallow gas;
(iii) Slump
blocks or slump
(iv) Hydrates; or
(v) Ice scour of
sediments.(3) Archaeological resources The results from the (i) A description of
archaeological the results and
survey with data from the
supporting data, if archaeological
required. survey;
(ii) A
description of
the historic and
resources, as
required by NHPA
(16 U.S.C. 470
et seq.), as
amended.(4) Geological survey....... The results from the A report that
geological survey describes the
with supporting results of a
data. geological survey
that includes
descriptions of:
(i) Seismic
activity at your
proposed site;
(ii) Fault zones;
(iii) The
possibility and
effects of
subsidence; and
(iv) The extent
and geometry of
effects of
conditions near
your site.(5) Biological survey....... The results from the A description of the
biological survey results of a
with supporting biological survey,
data. including the
presence of live
bottoms, hard
bottoms, and
features, and
surveys of other
marine resources
such as fish
marine mammals, sea
turtles, and sea
(b) For all activities you propose to conduct under your GAP, you must provide the following information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Contact information................ The name, address, e-mail
address, and phone number of
an authorized representative.(2) The site assessment or technology A discussion of the objectives;
testing concept. description of the proposed
activities, including the
technology you will use; and
proposed schedule from start
to completion.(3) Designation of operator, if As provided in Sec. 585.405.
applicable.(4) ROW, RUE or limited lease grant A description of the measures
stipulations, if known. you took, or will take, to
satisfy the conditions of any
lease stipulations related to
your proposed activities.(5) A location plat.................... The surface location and water
depth for all proposed and
existing structures,
facilities, and appurtenances
located both offshore and
onshore.(6) General structural and project Information for each type of
design, fabrication, and installation. facility associated with your
project.(7) Deployment activities.............. A description of the safety,
prevention, and environmental
protection features or
measures that you will use.(8) A list of solid and liquid wastes Disposal methods and locations.
(9) A listing of chemical products used A list of chemical products
(only if stored volume exceeds USEPA used; the volume stored on
Reportable Quantities). location; their treatment,
discharge, or disposal methods
used; and the name and
location of the onshore waste
receiving, treatment, and/or
disposal facility. A
description of how these
products would be brought
onsite, the number of
transfers that may take place,
and the quantity that will be
transferred each time.(10) Reference information............. A list of any document or
published source that you cite
as part of your plan. You may
reference information and data
discussed in other plans you
previously submitted or that
are otherwise readily
available to BOEM.(11) Decommissioning and site clearance A discussion of methodologies.
procedures.(12) Air quality information........... As described in Sec. 585.659
of this section.(13) A listing of all Federal, State, A statement indicating whether
and local authorizations or approvals such authorization or approval
required to conduct site assessment has been applied for or
activities on your lease. obtained.(14) A list of agencies and persons Contact information and issues
with whom you have communicated, or discussed.
with whom you will communicate,
regarding potential impacts associated
with your proposed activities.(15) Financial assurance information... Statements attesting that the
activities and facilities
proposed in your GAP are or
will be covered by an
appropriate bond or other
approved security, as required
in Sec. Sec. 585.520 and
585.521.(16) Other information................. Additional information as
requested by BOEM.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) If you are applying for a project easement or constructing a facility, or a combination of facilities deemed by BOEM to be complex or significant, you must provide the following information in addition to what is required in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section and comply with the requirements of subpart G of this part: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) The construction and operation A discussion of the objectives,
concept. description of the proposed
activities, and tentative
schedule from start to
completion.(2) All cables and pipelines, including The location, design,
cables on project easements. installation methods, testing,
maintenance, repair, safety
devices, exterior corrosion
protection, inspections, and
decommissioning.(3) A description of the deployment Safety, prevention, and
activities. environmental protection
features or measures that you
will use.(4) A general description of the (i) Under normal conditions.
operating procedures and systems. (ii) In the case of accidents
or emergencies, including
those that are natural or
manmade.(5) CVA nominations for reports CVA nominations for reports in
required in subpart G of this part. subpart G of this part, as
required by Sec. 585.706, or
a request for a waiver under
Sec. 585.705(c).(6) Construction schedule.............. A reasonable schedule of
construction activity showing
significant milestones leading
to the commencement of
activities.(7) Other information.................. Additional information as
required by the BOEM.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(d) BOEM will withhold trade secrets and commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential from public disclosure in accordance with the terms of Sec. 585.113.