Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 30  /  Part 585  /  Sec. 585.701 What must I include in my Facility Design Report?

(a) Your Facility Design Report provides specific details of the design of any facilities, including cables and pipelines that are outlined in your approved SAP, COP, or GAP. Your Facility Design Report must demonstrate that your design conforms to your responsibilities listed in Sec. 585.105(a). You must include the following items in your Facility Design Report: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Cover letter............ (i) Proposed You must submit 1

(i) Proposed You must submit 1

facility paper copy and 1

designations; electronic copy.

(ii) Lease, ROW

grant or RUE grant


(iii) Area; name and

block numbers; and.

(iv) The type of

(i) Latitude and Your plat must be

longitude drawn to a scale of

coordinates, 1 inch equals 100

Universal Mercator feet and include

grid-system the coordinates of

coordinates, state the lease, ROW

plane coordinates grant, or RUE grant

in the Lambert or block boundary

Transverse Mercator lines. You must

Projection System; submit 1 paper copy

(ii) Distances in and 1 electronic

feet from the copy.

nearest block

lines. These

coordinates must be

based on the NAD

(North American

Datum) 83 datum

plane coordinate

system; and.

(iii) The location

of any proposed

project easement..(3) Front, Side, and Plan (i) Facility Your drawing sizes

View drawings. dimensions and must not exceed

orientation; 11x17Sec. 585.702 What must I include in my Fabrication and Installation Report?

(a) Your Fabrication and Installation Report must describe how your facilities will be fabricated and installed in accordance with the design criteria identified in the Facility Design Report; your approved SAP, COP, or GAP; and generally accepted industry standards and practices. Your Fabrication and Installation Report must demonstrate how your facilities will be fabricated and installed in a manner that conforms to your responsibilities listed in Sec. 585.105(a). You must include the following items in your Fabrication and Installation Report: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Cover letter............ (i) Proposed You must submit 1

(i) Proposed You must submit 1

facility paper copy and 1

designation, lease, electronic copy.

ROW grant, or RUE

grant number;

(ii) Area, name, and

block number; and.

(iii) The type of

facility..(2) Schedule................ Fabrication and You must submit 1

installation. paper copy and 1

electronic copy.(3) Fabrication information. The industry You must submit 1

standards you will paper copy and 1

use to ensure the electronic copy.

facilities are

fabricated to the

design criteria

identified in your

Facility Design

Report.(4) Installation process Details associated You must submit 1

information. with the deployment paper copy and 1

activities, electronic copy.

equipment, and


including onshore

and offshore

equipment and

support, and

anchoring and

mooring patterns.(5) Federal, State, and Either 1 copy of the You must submit 1

local permits (e.g., EPA, permit or paper copy and 1

Army Corps of Engineers). information on the electronic copy.

status of the

application.(6) Environmental (i) Water discharge; You must submit 1

information. (ii) Waste disposal; paper copy and 1

(iii) Vessel electronic copy. If

information; and. you submitted these

(iv) Onshore waste data as part of

receiving treatment your SAP, COP, or

or disposal GAP, you may

facilities.. reference the plan.(7) Project easement........ Design of any You must submit 1

cables, pipelines, paper copy and 1

or facilities. electronic copy.

Information on

burial methods and


(b) You must provide the location of records, as required in Sec. 585.714(c).

(c) If you are required to use a CVA, the Fabrication and Installation Report must include one paper copy of the following certification statement: ``The fabrication and installation of this structure has been certified by a BOEM approved CVA to be in accordance with accepted engineering practices and the approved SAP, GAP, or COP as appropriate. The certified design and as-built plans and specifications will be on file at (given location).''

(d) BOEM will withhold trade secrets and commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential from public disclosure under exemption 4 of the FOIA and in accordance with the terms of Sec. 585.113.