You must use a CVA to review and certify the Facility Design Report, the Fabrication and Installation Report, and the Project Modifications and Repairs Report.
(a) You must use a CVA to:
(1) Ensure that your facilities are designed, fabricated, and installed in conformance with accepted engineering practices and the Facility Design Report and Fabrication and Installation Report;
(2) Ensure that repairs and major modifications are completed in conformance with accepted engineering practices; and
(3) Provide BOEM immediate reports of all incidents that affect the design, fabrication, and installation of the project and its components.
(b) BOEM may waive the requirement that you use a CVA if you can demonstrate the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then BOEM may waive the
If you demonstrate that . . . requirement for a CVA for the
(1) The facility design conforms to a The design of your
standard design that has been used structure(s).
successfully in a similar environment,
and the installation design conforms
to accepted engineering practices.(2) The manufacturer has successfully The fabrication of your
manufactured similar facilities, and structure(s).
the facility will be fabricated in
conformance with accepted engineering
practices.(3) The installation company has The installation of your
successfully installed similar structure(s).
facilities in a similar offshore
environment, and your structure(s)
will be installed in conformance with
accepted engineering practices.(4) Repairs and major modifications The repair or major
will be completed in conformance with modification of your
accepted engineering practices. structure(s).------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) You must submit a request to waive the requirement to use a CVA to BOEM in writing, along with your SAP under Sec. 585.610(a)(9), COP under Sec. 585.626(b)(20), or GAP under Sec. 585.645(c)(5).
(1) BOEM will review your request to waive the use of the CVA and notify you of our decision along with our decision on your SAP, COP, or GAP.
(2) If BOEM does not waive the requirement for a CVA, you may file an appeal under Sec. 585.118.
(3) If BOEM waives the requirement that you use a CVA, your project engineer must perform the same duties and responsibilities as the CVA, except as otherwise provided.