(a) The CVA or project engineer must do all of the following:
(1) Use good engineering judgment and practice in conducting an independent assessment of the fabrication and installation activities;
(2) Monitor the fabrication and installation of the facility as required by paragraph (b) of this section;
(3) Make periodic onsite inspections while fabrication is in progress and verify the items required by Sec. 585.709;
(4) Make periodic onsite inspections while installation is in progress and satisfy the requirements of Sec. 585.710; and
(5) Certify in a report that project components are fabricated and installed in accordance with accepted engineering practices; your approved COP, SAP, or GAP (as applicable); and the Fabrication and Installation Report.
(i) The report must also identify the location of all records pertaining to fabrication and installation, as required in Sec. 585.714(c); and
(ii) You may commence commercial operations or other approved activities 30 days after BOEM receives that certification report, unless BOEM notifies you within that time period of its objections to the certification report.
(b) To comply with paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the CVA or project engineer must monitor the fabrication and installation of the facility to ensure that it has been built and installed according to the Facility Design Report and Fabrication and Installation Report.
(1) If the CVA or project engineer finds that fabrication and installation procedures have been changed or design specifications have been modified, the CVA or project engineer must inform you; and
(2) If you accept the modifications, then you must also inform BOEM.