Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 30  /  Part 585  /  Sec. 585.831 What incidents must I report, and when must I report them?

(a) You must report the following incidents to us immediately via oral communication, and provide a written follow-up report (paper copy or electronically transmitted) within 15 business days after the incident:

(1) Fatalities;

(2) Incidents that require the evacuation of person(s) from the facility to shore or to another offshore facility;

(3) Fires and explosions;

(4) Collisions that result in property or equipment damage greater than $25,000 (Collision means the act of a moving vessel (including an aircraft) striking another vessel, or striking a stationary vessel or object. Property or equipment damage means the cost of labor and material to restore all affected items to their condition before the damage, including, but not limited to, the OCS facility, a vessel, a helicopter, or the equipment. It does not include the cost of salvage, cleaning, dry docking, or demurrage);

(5) Incidents involving structural damage to an OCS facility that is severe enough so that activities on the facility cannot continue until repairs are made;

(6) Incidents involving crane or personnel/material handling activities, if they result in a fatality, injury, structural damage, or significant environmental damage;

(7) Incidents that damage or disable safety systems or equipment (including firefighting systems);

(8) Other incidents resulting in property or equipment damage greater than $25,000; and

(9) Any other incidents involving significant environmental damage, or harm.

(b) You must provide a written report of the following incidents to us within 15 days after the incident:

(1) Any injuries that result in the injured person not being able to return to work or to all of their normal duties the day after the injury occurred; and

(2) All incidents that require personnel on the facility to muster for evacuation for reasons not related to weather or drills.