If during any work shift a miner's noise exposure exceeds the dual hearing protection level, the mine operator must, in addition to the actions required for noise exposures that exceed the permissible exposure level, provide and ensure the concurrent use of both an ear plug and an ear muff type hearing protector. The following table sets out mine operator actions under MSHA's noise standard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Provision Condition Action required by the mine operator----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 62.120....................... Miner's noise exposure is None.
less than the action
level.Sec. 62.120....................... Miner's exposure equals Operator enrolls the miner in hearing
or exceeds the action conservation program (HCP) which includes (1)
level, but does not a system of monitoring, (2) voluntary, with
exceed the permissible two exceptions, use of operator-provided
exposure level (PEL). hearing protectors, (3) voluntary audiometric
testing, (4) training, and (5) record keeping.Sec. 62.130....................... Miner's exposure exceeds Operator uses/continues to use all feasible
the PEL. engineering and administrative controls to
reduce exposure to PEL; enrolls the miner in a
HCP including ensured use of operator-provided
hearing protectors; posts administrative
controls and provides copy to affected miner;
must never permit a miner to be exposed to
sound levels exceeding 115 dBA.Sec. 62.140....................... Miner's exposure exceeds Operator enrolls the miner in a HCP, continues
the dual hearing to meet all the requirements of Sec. 62.130,
protection level. ensures concurrent use of earplug and earmuff.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------