(a) Hose lines, gages, and other cylinder accessories shall be maintained in a safe operating condition.
(b) Defective cylinders, cylinder accessories, torches, and other welding, cutting, and burning equipment shall be labeled ``defective'' and taken out of service.
(c) Each qualified person assigned to perform welding, cutting, or burning with liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas shall be equipped with a wrench specifically designed for use with liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders and a suitable torchtip cleaner to maintain torches in a safe operating condition.
(d) Tests for leaks on the hose valves or gages of liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders shall only be made with a soft brush and soapy water or soap suds, or other device approved by the Secretary. [36 FR 22062, Nov. 19, 1971]