The following interpretations of rules promulgated in part 817 of this chapter have been adopted by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement.
(a)-(b) [Reserved]
(c) Interpretation of Sec. 816.22(e)--Topsoil Removal. (1) Results of physical and chemical analyses of overburden and topsoil to demonstrate that the resulting soil medium is equal to or more suitable for sustaining revegetation than the available topsoil, provided that trials, and tests are certified by an approved laboratory in accordance with 30 CFR 816.22(e)(1)(ii), may be obtained from any one or a combination of the following sources:
(1) Results of physical and chemical analyses of overburden and topsoil to demonstrate that the resulting soil medium is equal to or more suitable for sustaining revegetation than the available topsoil, provided that trials, and tests are certified by an approved laboratory in accordance with 30 CFR 816.22(e)(1)(ii), may be obtained from any one or a combination of the following sources:
(i) U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service published data based on established soil series;
(ii) U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Technical Guides;
(iii) State agricultural agency, university, Tennessee Valley Authority, Bureau of Land Management or U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service published data based on soil series properties and behavior, or
(iv) Results of physical and chemical analyses, field site trials, or greenhouse tests of the topsoil and overburden materials (soil series) from the permit area.
(2) If the operator demonstrates through soil survey or other data that the topsoil and unconsolidated material are insufficient and substitute materials will be used, only the substitute materials must be analyzed in accordance with 30 CFR 816.22(e)(1)(i).
(d) Interpretation of Sec. 817.133: Postmining land use. (1) The requirements of 30 CFR 784.15(a)(2), for approval of an alternative postmining land use, may be met by requesting approval through the permit revision procedures of 30 CFR 774.13 rather than requesting such approval through the permit application. The original permit application, however, must demonstrate that the land will be returned to its premining land use capability as required by 30 CFR 817.133(a). An application for a permit revision of this type, (i) must be submitted in accordance with the filing deadlines of 30 CFR 774.13, (ii) shall constitute a significant alteration from the mining operations contemplated by the original permit, and (iii) shall be subject to the requirements of 30 CFR part 773 and 775.
(1) The requirements of 30 CFR 784.15(a)(2), for approval of an alternative postmining land use, may be met by requesting approval through the permit revision procedures of 30 CFR 774.13 rather than requesting such approval through the permit application. The original permit application, however, must demonstrate that the land will be returned to its premining land use capability as required by 30 CFR 817.133(a). An application for a permit revision of this type, (i) must be submitted in accordance with the filing deadlines of 30 CFR 774.13, (ii) shall constitute a significant alteration from the mining operations contemplated by the original permit, and (iii) shall be subject to the requirements of 30 CFR part 773 and 775.
(2) [Reserved] [45 FR 26000, Apr. 16, 1980, as amended at 45 FR 39447, June 10, 1980; 45 FR 64908, Oct. 1, 1980; 45 FR 73946, Nov. 7, 1980; 48 FR 44781, Sept. 30, 1983]