(a) Part 774 of this chapter, Revision; Renewal; and Transfer, Assignment, or Sale of Permit Rights, applies to any such actions involving surface coal mining and reclamation operations permits, except as specified in this section.
(b) No revision to an approved mining or reclamation plan shall be effective until reviewed and approved by WSC.
(c) Any significant revision to the approved mining or reclamation plan shall be subject to the public notice and hearing provisions of Sec. Sec. 903.773(d)(3) and 773.6(b) and (c) of this chapter before it is approved and implemented. Any revision to an approved reclamation plan that may have the potential to adversely affect the achievement of reclamation and the post-mining land use is a significant permit revision. In addition, WSC will consider the following factors, as well as other relevant factors, in determining the significance of a proposed revision:
(1) Changes in production or recoverability of the coal resource;
(2) Environmental effects;
(3) Public interest in the operation, or likely interest in the proposed revision; and
(4) Possible adverse impacts from the proposed revision on fish or wildlife, endangered species, bald or golden eagles, or cultural resources.
(d) The regulatory authority will approve or disapprove non-significant permit revisions within a reasonable time after receiving a complete and accurate revision application. Significant revisions and renewals shall be approved or disapproved under the provisions of Sec. 903.773(f).
(e) Any person having an interest that is or may be adversely affected by a decision on the transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights, may submit written comments on the application to WSC. Comments may be submitted within 30 days of either the publication of the newspaper notice required by Sec. 774.17(b)(2) of this chapter, or receipt of an administratively complete application, whichever is later. For purposes of this paragraph, a person includes, but is not limited to an official of any Federal, State, or local government agency.
(f) Within 30 days from the last publication of the newspaper notice, written comments or objections to an application for significant revision or renewal of a permit may be submitted to the regulatory authority by:
(1) Any person having an interest that is or may be adversely affected by the decision on the application; or
(2) Public entities notified under Sec. 773.6(a)(3) of this chapter of the proposed mining operations on the environment within their areas of responsibility. [60 FR 18716, Apr. 12, 1995, as amended at 65 FR 79671, Dec. 19, 2000]