Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 30  /  Part 925  /  Sec. 925.12 State program provisions and amendments disapproved.

(a) The amendment at 10 CSR 40-4.030(4)(A), submitted on December 14 and 18, 1987, is disapproved insofar as it would exempt from prime farmland performance standards coal preparation plants, support facilities, and roads associated with surface coal mining activities.

(b) The amendment at 10 CSR 40-4.030(4)(B), submitted on December 14 and 18, 1987, is disapproved insofar as it would exempt from prime farmland performance standards water bodies as a postmining land use.

(c) The definitions of ``coal processing plant'' and ``coal preparation plant'' at 10 CSR 40-8.010(1)(A)18, submitted on December 14 and 18, 1987, are disapproved insofar as they exempt from regulation certain facilities where coal is subjected to chemical or physical processing or cleaning, concentrating, or other processing or preparation, if they do not separate coal from its impurities.

(d) The amendments at 10 CSR 40-3.040(10)(O)3.C and 40-3.200(10)(O)3.C, submitted on October 5, 2000, concerning temporary impoundment design are disapproved effective May 9, 2001.

(e) The amendment at 10 CSR 40-3.240, submitted on October 5, 2000, concerning air resource protection is disapproved effective May 9, 2001, to the extent that it is missing pertinent requirements relating to control of erosion and air pollution.

(f) The amendment at 10 CSR 40-8.070(2)(C)1.A(II)(a), submitted on October 5, 2000, concerning the definition of cumulative measurement period is disapproved effective May 9, 2001, to the extent that it uses October 1, 1990, for determining the end of the period for which cumulative production and revenue is reported. [53 FR 43869, Oct. 31, 1988, as amended at 66 FR 23604, May 9, 2001]