The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date of final
Original amendment submission date publication Citation/description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------April 26, 1983, May 12, 1983......... October 5, 1983........ Bureau of Water Quality Management Underground
Mine/Coal preparation Plant Permit Application
Instructions; Bituminous Underground Mining
Operation Permit/Manual; Coal Refuse Disposal
Permit Application; Anthracite Coal Refuse
Disposal Permit Application; Anthracite Bank
Removal and Reclamation Permit Application;
Anthracite Surface Mine Permit Application;
Anthracite Underground Mining Operation Permit
Application/Manual; Memorandum of Understanding
between the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Resources and the Pennsylvania
Museum and Historical Commission.August 1, 1983....................... January 4, 1984........ 25 PA Code 89.143(2)(iii)(A) through (D), (4),
.144(b)(3), .145(a)(4), (b), (d), .146(e),
.147(a).January 17, 1984..................... March 20, 1984......... Pennsylvania policy statement: Citizen Complaint
Procedures, Department of Environmental
Resources Inspection and Enforcement Policy for
Mining Operations, Civil Penalty Program.October 31, 1983..................... May 15, 1984, July 3, 25 PA Code 86.5, .38(b), .112(b), .134(c), .211;
1984. 87.1, .112(c)(1), (2), (d), (e), .144, .138,
.175; 89.86(a)(1), .161, .162, .163; 90.1,
.112(c), (d), (e); addendum to the DER
Inspection and Enforcement Policy for Mining
Operations.March 30, 1984....................... November 27, 1984...... 25 PA Code chapter 88, subchapters A through D,
F.March 2, 1984........................ April 4, 1985.......... Blaster training, examination and certification
program, as contained in 25 PA Code chapter
210, subchapter A.April 19, 1985....................... August 15, 1985........ Blaster certification program.April 18, 1985....................... November 4, 1985....... 25 PA Code chapter 89, subchapter F on
subsidence control regulations.September 5, 1985.................... February 19, 1986...... Act 158 of 1984; 25 PA Code chapter 87,
subchapter F; chapter 88, subchapter G; letters
from the Pennsylvania Deputy General Counsel
and the First Deputy Attorney General to
Rebecca W. Hanmer, Director, Office of Water
Enforcement Permits, U.S. EPA, dated July 8,
1985, and August 19, 1985, respectively.November 2, 1984..................... May 19, 1986........... 25 PA Code 86.37(a)(13), .171(e)(12),
.172(d)(2)(iii); 88.1--definitions for
``cropland,'' ``historically used for
cropland,'' ``prime farmland,'' and ``soil
survey'', .24(b)(4), .30(a), (1), .31(a)(7),
.32, .61, .129, .134(a), (e), .135(c)(1),
(f)(2), (h), .136(a), (c), .137(18), (19),
(2), (h), .136(a), (c), .137(18), (19),
.217, .330, .381(b)(2), (c)(6), (8), (9),
.491(i)(1), (13), (22), (23), (j), (k),
.492(m), .493(8).September 30, 1985................... September 8, 1986...... Civil Penalty Program: Sec. Sec. I, II.2,
II.4, II.8; Inspection and Enforcement Policy:
Sec. Sec. II.B.2.a.(4), (5), E, J.April 18, 1985....................... June 18, 1987.......... 25 PA Code 89.143(b).January 22, 1987..................... July 14, 1987.......... Sec. 4.2(F)(II): right-of-entry requirements.April 14, 1987....................... October 27, 1988....... Sec. Sec. II.J of the Inspection and
Enforcement Policy, II.2 of the Civil Penalty
Program, both concern alternative enforcement
actions for failure to abate violations.December 5, 1988..................... July 14, 1989.......... 25 PA Code 86.1, .12; 88.1, .381; 89.5.August 17, 1988...................... August 18, 1989........ Civil Penalty Program, Sec. II (Assessment),
paragraph 4; Program Guidance Manual, Sec.
1:3:6 (Civil Penalty Assessments) part 1--Coal,
paragraph 4.August 21, 1986...................... November 3, 1989....... PA Policy Statement entitled Reclamation in Lieu
of Cash Payment for Civil Penalties found in
Department of Environmental Resources Program
Guidance Manual at Sec. 1:3:9.December 22, 1989.................... May 31, 1991........... 25 PA Code 86.17(e), .83(a)(2), .112(b)(1),
.158(b)(1), (2), (3), .174(d)(1), .175(1), (2),
(3), .182(d); 87.73, .112(b)(1), (f), .125(a),
.127(e)(2), (h), .131(n), .135(a), .138;
88.24(b)(4), .492(c)(4); 89.34(a)(1), (2)(ii),
.59(a)(1), (2), (3), .71(d), .82, .101(a), (d),
.172(b); 90.112(b)(1), (d), (f), .150.September 24, 1986................... October 24, 1991....... 25 PA Code 86.182, .186 through .190; PA SMCRA
Sec. Sec. 3.1, 4(a), (b), 18(c)(i), 18.8.May 27, 1992......................... October 28, 1992....... 25 PA Code 86.83, .94.June 2, 1992......................... November 16, 1992...... 25 PA Code 86.1; 88.1, .381; 89.5.
December 18, 1991.................... December 30, 1992, 25 PA Code 86.1, .36(c), .37(a), (c), .41 .43,
January 14, 1993, .44, .52(c)(4), .53, .55(d), .62, .63, .101,
April 8, 1993. .102, .129, .132, .133, .134(3)(ii)(C), (12),
.136, .151(a), (d), (h), .163, .165, .193(3),
(f), .194, .195, .202, .212; 87.1, .11, .14,
.21, .42(2), .54(a)(9), (22), .77, .112(c),
.151(d), .155, .160, .166; 88.1, .22(2),
.31(a)(9), (22), .56, .115, .116, .381(c)(9),
.491(a)(1)(ii), (i)(7), .492(f); 89.5, .26,
.38(a), (b), (c), .86, .90, .111(c); 90.1,
.11(a)(3), .21(a)(9), (24), .40, .112(c), .134,
.140, .155(d), .159.February 18, 1993.................... July 6, 1993........... 25 PA Code 86.17.March 9, 1993........................ December 6, 1993....... PA SMCRA Sec. 4(d) concerning financial
instruments for performance bonds.May 11, 1993......................... July 20, 1994.......... 25 PA Code 86.142, .159, .166.October 24, 1994..................... April 3, 1995.......... 25 PA Code 86.81 through .89, .91 through .95.December 19, 1996.................... May 30, 1997........... 25 PA Code, Chapter 86, Subchapter D: 86.101;
86.102; 86.103; 86.121; 86.122; 86.123; 86.124;
86.125; 86.126; 86.127; 86.128; 86.129; 86.130.January 23, 1995..................... November 7, 1997....... Chapters 86 through 90.September 13, 1995................... April 22, 1998......... Pennsylvania law Act 1994-114 concerning the
special authorization for refuse disposal in
areas previously affected by mining which
contain pollutional discharges: Title and 1; 3;
3.2(b); 4.1; 6.1(h)(5), (i); 6.2; 6.3; 15.1.October 8, 1998...................... March 26, 1999 and June 52 P.S. 1396.3, 1396.4h.
8, 1999.August 17, 1998...................... February 2, 2000....... Letter from Pennsylvania to OSM dated August 17,
1998 (PA-837.80), except a decision on the
required amendment at 30 CFR 938.16(www) is
deferred.November 2, 1999..................... November 3, 2000....... 25 Pa. Code 86.1, 86.124, 86.152, 86.156,
86.160, 86.171, 86.182, 86.193, 86.194, 86.195,
86.201, and 86.202.November 8, 1999..................... March 23, 2000......... 25 PA Code Sec. Sec. 86.80, 86.81, 86.82,
86.83, 86.84, 86.85, 86.86 (deleted), 86.87,
86.91 (deleted), 86.92, 86.94, 86.95 (deleted).
Note: The incorporation of the reference to
Sec. 89.34 at 86.81(a)(2)(iii)(C) and
86.81(a)(2)(iv)(C) is approved to the extent
that Pennsylvania implements this provision
consistent with the SOAP funding provisions of
SMCRA section 507(c)(1)(A) and the implementing
regulations at 30 CFR 795.9(b)(1). The
incorporation of this reference into
subsections 86.81(a)(2)(iii)(C) and
86.81(a)(2)(iv)(C) is not approved to the
extent that the proposed subsections would
authorized the expenditure of Pennsylvania SOAP
funds under the subsections listed above for
services that are not fundable under section
507(c)(1)(A) of SMCRA or 30 CFR 795.9(b)(1).
25 PA Code 86.81(a)(2)(iii) is approved to the
extent that the SOAP funds are not used to fund
the activities required under 25 PA Code Sec.
Sec. 87.41 and 87.42(1) or Sec. Sec. 88.21
and 88.22(1).
The reference of Sec. Sec. 87.77, 88.56 and
89.38 (regarding archaeological and historic
information) into subsections
86.81(a)(2)(iv)(A), (B) and (C) is approved to
the extent that Pennsylvania implements these
provisions consistent with the SOAP funding
provisions of SMCRA section 507(c)(1)(D) and
the implementing regulations at 30 CFR
795.9(b)(4). The incorporation of these
references (regarding public parks) into
subsections 86.81(a)(2)(iv)(A), (B) and (C) is
not approved to the extent that the proposed
subsections would authorized the expenditure of
Pennsylvania SOAP funds under the subsections
listed above for services that are not fundable
under section 507(c)(1)(D) of SMCRA or 30 CFR
795.9(b)(4).November 30, 1999.................... June 26, 2000.......... 25 Pa. Code 86.2, 86.37, 86.40, 86.64, 86.70,
86.132-86.134, 86.174, 87.1, 87.77, 87.93,
87.97, 87.101, 87.106, 87.126, 87.127, 87.138,
87.144, 87.146, 87.159, 87.160, 87.166, 87.173,
87.174, 87.176, 87.209, 88.1, 88.56, 88.83,
88.91, 88.96, 88.118, 88.133, 88.138, 88.144,
88.191, 88.221, 88.231, 88.237, 88.283, 88.291,
88.296, 88.334, 88.335, 88.341, 88.492, 88.509,
89.38, 89.65, 89.67, 89.82, 89.87, 89.88,
89.90, 90.1, 90.40, 90.93, 90.97, 90.101,
90.106, 90.134, 90.140, 90.147, 90.150, 90.166.January 3, 2001...................... August 15, 2001........ 25 Pa. Code 86.174.January 3, 2001...................... November 16, 2001...... Addition of Chapter 77, Section 7708 to 2001
Title 27 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
Statutes; repeal of the fifth sentence of
section 4(b) and section 4.2(f)(5) of the
Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act
of May 31, 1945 (P.L. 1198, No. 418); repeal of
the last sentence of section 5(g) of the
Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land
Conservation Act of April 27, 1966 (1st Sp.
Sess., P.L. 31, No. 1); repeal of the last
sentence of section 5(i) of the Coal Refuse
Disposal Control Act of September 24, 1968
(P.L. 1040, No. 318).
July 29, 1998........................ December 27, 2001...... Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land 2001
Conservation Act: Repeal of Section 4 (52 P.S.
1406.4); 5(b)(partial approval); 5.1(a)(1) (52
P.S. 1406.5a(a)(1) (conditional approval);
5.1(a)(2) and (3) (52 P.S. 1406.5a(a)(2) and
(3)); 5.2(a)(1), (2), and (3) (52 P.S.
1406.5b(a)(1), (2), and (3)); 5.2(b)(1) (52
P.S. 1406.5b(b)(1)); 5.2(c) (52 P.S.
1406.5b(c)); 5.2(e)(1) and (3) (52 P.S.
1406.5b(e)(1) and (3)); 5.2(f) (52 P.S. 1406.5b
(f); 5.2(j) (52 P.S. 1406.5b(j)); 5.2(k) (52
P.S. 1406.5b(k)); 5.4(a) (52 P.S.
1406.5d(a))(partial approval); 5.4(a)(1), (2)
and (4) (52 P.S. 1406.5d(a)(1), (2) and (4));
5.4(b) (52 P.S. 1406.5d(b)); 5.5(a) (52 P.S.
1406.5e(a))(partial approval); 5.5 (d), (e),
and (g) (52 P.S. 1406.5e(d), (e) and (g));
5.6(a) and (b) (52 P.S. 1406.5f(a) and (b)); 6
(52 P.S. 1406.6))(partial approval); 9.1(a),
(b), (c), and (d) (52 P.S. 1406.9a(a), (b),
(c), and (d); Repeal of Section 15 (52 P.S.
1406.15); 17.1 (52 P.S. 1406.17a); 18.1 (52
P.S. 1406.18a)
25 Pa. Code Section: 89.5, the definitions of
the following terms: ``dwelling,''
``irreparable damage,'' ``material damage,''
``noncommercial building,'' ``public buildings
and facilities,'' ``public water supply
system,'' ``rebuttable presumption area,''
``underground mining,'' ``underground mining
operations,'' and ``water supply;'' 89.33;
89.34; 89.35; 89.36; 89.141(a); 89.141(d)(2),
(4), (5), (7), (8), (10) and (11); 89.141(d),
(d)(3), (6), and (9)(partial approval);
(3), (6), and (9)(partial approval);
deletion of 89.142; 89.142a(a) (partial
approval) 89.142a(a)(1), (2), (3) and (4);
89.142a(b); 89.142a(c)(1) and (2)(i) `` (v);
89.142a(c)(3) (partial approval); 89.142a(d)
(partial approval); 89.142a(e); 89.142a(f)(1)
(partial approval); 89.142a(f)(1)(i), (ii),
(iv), and (v); 89.142a(f)(2)(i) (partial
approval); 89.142a(g)(1) (partial approval);
89.142a(g)(2), and (3); 89.142a(h) (1) and (2)
(partial approval); 89.142a(i)(1) (partial
approval); 89.142a)(i)(2), (j), (k), and (l);
deletion of 89.143; 89.143a(a) (partial
approval); 89.143a(b); 89.143a(d)(1) and (2)
(partial approval);deletion of 89.144;
89.144a(a)(2), and (3); deletion of 89.145;
89.145a(a)(1)(i)-(vi); 89.145a(a)(2) and (3);
89.145a(b)(partial approval); 89.145a(c);
89.145a(d); 89.145a(e)(1) and (2) (partial
approval); 89.145a(f)(1)(i)-(iv);
89.145a(f)(2); 89.145a(f)(3)(i) and
(ii)(partial approval); 89.145a(f)(3)(iii);
89.145a(f)(4); 89.146a(a) and (b); 89.146a(c)
(partial approval); 89.152(a)(1) and (3);
89.152(b); 89.153 (a), (b), and (c); 89.154(a)
through (d); 89.155(a), 89.155(b)(1) and (2)
(partial approval); 89.155(b)(3) and (4);
89.155(c) (partial approval).February 25, 2002.................... November 6, 2002....... 25 Pa. Code 86.37, 87.160, 88.138, 88.231,
88.335, 90.134, 87.160.November 22, 1999.................... July 7, 2003........... 25 Pa. Code 86.1 definition of ``valid existing
rights;'' 86.101 definitions of ``fragile
lands,'' ``historic lands,'' ``public
building,'' ``public park,'' ``renewable
resource lands,'' ``significant recreational
value, timber, economic or other values
incompatible with surface mining operations,''
and ``surface mining operations;'' 86.102(1),
(3) through (5), and (7) through (12);
86.103(c), (d), and (e); 86.121, 86.123(c) and
(c)(5); 86.124(a), (c), (d) and (f); 86.125;
(5); 86.124(a), (c), (d) and (f); 86.125;
86.126; 86.127; 86.128; 86.129; and 86.130(b).February 25, 2002.................... August 15, 2003........ 25 Pa. Code 210.11; 210.13--210.19; 211.101-
211.103; 211.111-211.115; 211.121-211.125;
211.131-211.133; 211.141; 211.151-211.162;
211.171-211.173; 211.181-211.182December 20, 2001.................... October 2, 2003........ 25 Pa. Code 88.281, 88.310, 88.332, 89.59, 90.1,
90.5, 90.12, 90.13, 90.34, 90.45, 90.49, 90.50,
90.101, 90.116a, 90.122, 90.167, 90.201-207,
90.301-309, and 90.401.August 27, 2003...................... December 9, 2004....... 25 Pa. Code 86.1 modification of definition of
underground mining activities, 86.151(b)(2),
86.152(a), 89.5, Addition of definitions of
EPAct structures and EPAct water supplies;
removal of definition of permanently affixed
appurtenant structures; modification of
definitions of underground mining activities
and underground mining operations, 89.141(d),
89.142a(a), (c) through (i), 89.143a(a), (c)
and (d), 89.144a(a) and (b), 89.145a(a), (b),
(e) and (f), 89.146a(c)(2), and 89.152(a) and
In BMSLCA, Sections 5.2(b)(2), 5.2(d),
5.2(e)(2), 5.2(i), 5.3(a), 5.3(b), 5.3(c),
5.5(c), 5.5(f), 5.6(c), and 5.6(d).December 18, 1998.................... May 13, 2005........... In PASMCRA, Section 3 Definition of ``Total
Project Costs;'' Sections 3.1; 4(a), (d),
(d.2), (g), and (h); 4.2(f) (partial approval);
4.2(i); 4.6(i) and (j); 4.7; 4.10; 4.11; 4.12
(partial approval); 4.13; 18(a), (a.1), (a.2),
and (a.3); 18(f), (g)(4) and (5); 18.7; 18.9;
25 Pa. Code 86.142 Definitions of ``Annuity,''
``Trustee,'' and ``Trust Fund;'' 25 Pa. Code
86.151(b), (c), and (j); 86.152(a) and (b);
86.156(b); 86.157(3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and
(8); 86.158(c)(6), (e), (f), and (g);
86.161(3); 86.168; 86.171(a), (b)(6) and (7),
(f)(4), (g), and (h); 86.174(a) and (d);
(4), (g), and (h); 86.174(a) and (d);
86.175(a) and (b)(3); 86.182(a)(3) and (4),
(d), (e), (f), (g); 86.195(b), 86.251-253;
86.261-86.270; 86.281(a)-(d); 86.281(e)
(partial approval); 86.282-284; 86.291-295;
25 Pa. Code 87.1 Definitions of ``Water
Supply,'' ``Water Supply Survey''; deletion of
87.11-21; 87.119 (partial approval); 87.147(b).
25 Pa. Code 88.1 Definitions of ``Water
Supply,'' ``Water Supply Survey''; 88.107
(partial approval); 88.121(b); 88.209(b).
May 23, 2006......................... April 17, 2007......... 25 Pa. Code: 86.187(a)(1), (b), (c);
86.188(b)(5) [deleted]; 86.188(c)(3) [deleted];
86.189(c)(2) through (c)(4) [deleted reference
to (c)(5)], 86.189 (c)(5) [deleted]; 86.190 (a)
[the words ``but are not limited to'' are
deleted]; 86.190(a)(3) [deleted].December 18, 2006.................... October 4, 2007........ 25 Pa. Code 86.6 [add].June 8, 2006......................... December 1, 2008....... 25 Pa. Code 210.11, 87.1, 88.1, and 89.5 added
definition for mine opening blasting; 87.124(b)
correction of reference error; 87.126(b)(2)(ii)
phrase deletion; 87.127(b), 87.127(e),
87.127(e)(1) ,87.127(f)(1);
87.129(4);88.135(a), 88.135(b), 88.135(f)(1),
88.135(h) , 88.135(i); 88.493(7)(i); 89.62
(adding new language); 87.127(l) and 88.135(l)
(deleted in their entirety).August 1, 2008....................... August 10, 2010........ 52 P.S. 1396.4(d.2); 25 Pa. Code 86.1, 86.17(e),
86.187(a); The Conversion Assistance Program;
Trust Funds as an Alternative Bonding System
(ABS); Demonstration of Sufficient Funding for
Outstanding Land Reclamation at Primacy ABS
Forfeiture Sites; and, Demonstration of
Sufficient Funding for Construction of All
Necessary Discharge Treatment Facilities at the
ABS Forfeiture Sites.December 19, 2012.................... September 10, 2013..... Addition of definitions to 25 Pa. Code 86.1,
clarification of 86.3, and increase of fees at
86.17.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [62 FR 9953, Mar. 5, 1997]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 938.15, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at