(a) Part 774 of this chapter, Revision; Renewal; and Transfer, Assignment, or Sale of Permit Rights, shall apply to any such actions involving surface coal mining and reclamation operations permits.
(b) Any revision to the approved mining or reclamation plan will be subject to review and approval by the Office.
(c) A significant revision to the mining or reclamation plan will be subject to the permit application information requirements and procedures of Subchapter G, including notice, public participation, and notice of decision requirements of Sec. 773.6, 773.19(b)(1) and (3), and 778.21, prior to approval and implementation. The Office will consider any proposed revision to be significant if it:
(1) Will result in adverse impacts beyond those previously considered, affecting cultural resources listed on, or eligible to be listed on, the National Register of Historic Places;
(2) Involves changes to the blasting plan that will be likely to cause adverse impacts beyond those previously considered, to persons or property outside of the permit area;
(3) Will result in adverse impacts beyond those previously considered, affecting a water supply to which the requirements of 30 CFR 816.41(h) apply;
(4) Will cause a new or updated probable hydrologic consequences determination or cumulative hydrologic impact analysis to be required under 30 CFR 780.21(f)(4) or 780.21(g)(2) as a result of an increase in impacts;
(5) Requires a change in the identification, disturbance, or handling of toxic- or acid-forming materials different from those previously considered, where the changes have the potential for causing additional impacts not previously considered;
(6) Will result in adverse impacts on fish, wildlife and related environmental values beyond those previously considered;
(7) Includes the proposed addition of a coal processing facility, or any permanent support facility, where the addition of the facility will cause impacts not previously considered, except that the addition of a temporary coal processing facility used exclusively for crushing and screening need not be considered a significant revision; or
(8) Involves a change in the postmining land use to a residential, industrial/commercial, recreation or developed water resources land use, as defined in 30 CFR 701.5; except that a change to a developed water resource not meeting the size criteria of Sec. 77.216(a) of this title need not be considered a significant revision.
(d) In addition to the requirements of part 774 of this chapter, any person having an interest which is or may be adversely affected by a decision on the transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights, including an official of any Federal, State, or local government agency, may submit written comments on the application to the Office within thirty days of either the publication of the newspaper advertisement required by Sec. 774.17(b)(2) of this chapter or receipt of an administratively complete application, whichever is later. [49 FR 38892, Oct. 1, 1984, as amended at 53 FR 49106, Dec. 5, 1988; 65 FR 79672, Dec. 19, 2000]