(a) Employees are required to:
(1) Read and follow the rules and procedures contained in the Executive Branch-wide Standards, Treasury Supplemental Standards, and Rules;
(2) Request clarification or interpretation from a supervisor or ethics official if the application of a rule contained in the Executive Branch-wide Standards, Treasury Supplemental Standards, or Rules is not clear;
(3) Report to the Inspector General or to the appropriate internal affairs office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Customs Service, Internal Revenue Service, or Secret Service, any information indicating that an employee, former employee, contractor, subcontractor, or potential contractor engaged in criminal conduct or that an employee or former employee violated the Executive Branch-wide Standards or the Treasury Supplemental Standards or Rules. Legal Division attorneys acquiring this type of information during the representation of a bureau shall report it to the appropriate Chief or Legal Counsel or the Deputy General Counsel, who shall report such information to the Inspector General or appropriate internal affairs office; and
(4) Report to the Inspector General information defined in paragraph (a)(3) of this section relating to foreign intelligence or national security, as covered in Executive Order 12356. Legal Division attorneys acquiring this type of information during the representation of a bureau shall report it to the Deputy General Counsel, who shall report such information to the Inspector General.
(b) The confidentiality of the source of the information reported to the Inspector General or the internal affairs office under this section will be maintained to the extent appropriate under the circumstances.