(a) State and local governments furnishing services, personnel, equipment, and facilities to provide protection for motorcades and at other places associated with a visit qualifying under section 202(7) of Title 3, U.S. Code may forward to the Assistant Secretary a bill for reimbursement for the personnel, equipment, facilities, and services utilized in providing such protection.
(b) Requests for payments under this section shall conform to the procedures established elsewhere in this part governing reimbursements arising out of an extraordinary protective need. [45 FR 30622, May 9, 1980]
Sec. Appendix I(F) to Part 13--Estimated Overhead and Administrative
Costs Date:___________________________________________________________________
Select Only One Method
------ 1. Reimbursement for overhead and administrative costs will be requested as a flat 18 percent of the total extraordinary protective need cost as provided in section 13.6 of these regulations.
------ 2. Reimbursement for overhead and administrative costs will be requested on a dollar-for-dollar basis. Computation of these costs will be made using the below described method: (Explain in detail how all of these costs can be directly and exclusively attributed to the extraordinary protective need.) [45 FR 30622, May 9, 1980]
Sec. Appendix II(F) to Part 13--Overhead and Administrative Costs Date:___________________________________________________________________
Select Only One Method
------ 1. Reimbursement for overhead and administrative costs is requested as a flat 18 percent of the total extraordinary protective need costs as provided in section 13.6 of these regulations.
------ 2. Reimbursement for overhead and administrative costs is requested on a dollar-for-dollar basis. Computation of these costs has been made using the below described method: (Explain and show in detail how all of these costs have been directly and exclusively attributed extraordinary protective need costs). Dated:__________________________________________________________________ [45 FR 30622, May 9, 1980]
Sec. Appendix I to Part 13--Form of Request for Assistance
I hereby request assistance from the Department of the Treasury pursuant to Section 202 of Title 3, U.S. Code, as amended by Pub. L. 94-196. This assistance is needed to enable the affected metropolitan area of ------------ to meet an extraordinary protective need, which is expected to arise on ------------ (date).
The nature of the extraordinary protective need prompting this request is as follows:
(If in association with a visit, include the name and title of the visiting foreign official or dignitary, the country represented and the name and location of the international organization involved and/or mission to be visited. The temporary domicile of the visiting official or dignitary and his schedule, including dates and times of arrival and departure from the United States, if available, must also be included. If the extraordinary protective need occurs at or, pursuant to Sec. 13.6 of 31 CFR part 13, in the vicinity of, a permanent mission to an international organization of which the United States is a member or at an observer mission invited to participate in the work of the organization, the application shall include the name and location of the mission. If the extraordinary protective need occurs at a foreign diplomatic mission, including a consular office, in conjunction with a qualifying visit by a foreign official or dignitary of the same country as that mission, the application shall include the name and location of the mission or office. If, pursuant to Sec. 13.8, the visiting foreign official is to travel by motorcade and/or visit locations other than his foreign mission or temporary domicile, the application shall include a description of the anticipated motorcade routes and all stops on the routes as well as the name (or description) and location of any other places to be visited.
The ------------ (Government entity) ------------ (is or is not) ------------ prepared to provide ------------ (all or a portion of) the protection required to meet this need. Attached is an estimate of the appropriate number of personnel, by grade and rank, and the specific services, equipment and facilities which will be required to meet this extraordinary protective need, along with an estimate of the cost of such personnel, services, equipment, and facilities.(Date)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(State or local government of the affected metropolitan area)________________________________________________________________________(Signature)________________________________________________________________________(Title) [45 FR 30622, May 9, 1980]
Sec. Appendix II to Part 13--Form of Bill for Reimbursement
I hereby request that ------------ (Governmental entity) be reimbursed by the Department of the Treasury pursuant to sections 202 and 208 of Title 3, U.S. Code, as amended and added, respectively, by Public Law 94-196 (89 Stat. 1109) (and/or pursuant to Public Law 96-74) for expenses incurred while providing an adequate level of protection during the extraordinary protective need arising in association with a visit of ------------ (Official or dignitary's name and title) of ------------ (Country) to participate in the work of ------------ (International Organization) or occurring at the -------------- (Permanent or observer mission) to ------------ (International organization) during the period ------------ (Date) through ------------ (Date).
I certify that the level of protection provided was both reasonable and necessary; that the costs herein billed are only those direct costs associated with meeting the extraordinary protective need; and that the costs herein billed are not costs of an indirect nature such as administrative costs, overhead, and depreciation, except as provided in Sec. 13.6(a) of 31 CFR 13.
Access to all records, accounts, receipts, etc., pertaining to the costs herein billed will be accorded to representatives of the Assistant Secretary (Enforcement and Operations) and the General Accounting Office at such reasonable times and places as may be mutually agreed upon by said representatives and ------------ (Governmental entity).Date:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Signature)________________________________________________________________________(Title) [45 FR 30623, May 9, 1980]