(a) Role as fiscal agents. In their capacity as fiscal agents of the United States, the Federal Reserve Banks referred to below are authorized to perform such duties, including the issuance of instructions and forms, as may be necessary to fulfill the purposes and requirements of these regulations.
(b) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated to provide savings bond services: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reserve districts Geographic area
Servicing office served served------------------------------------------------------------------------Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo New York, Boston. CT, MA, ME, NH,
Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo, NY NJ (northern
14240. half), NY (City
& State), RI,
VT, Puerto Rico
and Virgin
Islands.Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Cleveland, DE, KY (eastern
Branch, P.O. Box 867, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia. half), NJ
PA 15230. (southern
half), OH, PA,
WV (northern
panhandle).Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Richmond, Atlanta AL, DC, FL, LA
P.O. Box 27622, Richmond, VA 23261. (southern
half), MD, MS
half), NC, SC,
TN (eastern
half), VA, WV,
panhandle).Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, IA, IL (northern
Minneapolis, 90 Hennepin Avenue, Chicago. half), IN
Minneapolis MN 55401. (northern
half), MI, MN,
MT, ND, SD, WI.Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Dallas, San AK, AR, AZ, CA,
City, 925 Grand Avenue, Kansas Francisco, CO, HI, ID, IL
City, MO 64198. Kansas City, St. (southern
Louis. half), IN
half), KS, KY
(western half),
LA (northern
half), MO, MS
half), NE, NM,
(western half),
and GU.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) Specific activities of designated Federal Reserve Banks. The specific activities of designated Federal Reserve Banks include:
(1) Qualifying issuing agents;
(2) Supplying agents with bond stock, maintaining records of agent accountability, and monitoring compliance with stock consignment rules;
(3) Instructing agents regarding the sale and issue of bonds, the custody and control of bond stock, and the accounting for and remittance of sales proceeds; and
(4) Providing guidelines covering the amount of bond stock agents may ordinarily requisition and maintain. [54 FR 40830, Oct. 3, 1989, as amended at 59 FR 10536, Mar. 4, 1994; 63 FR 38041, July 14, 1998]