(a) General license for amateur and semi-professional international sports federation competitions. The travel-related transactions set forth in Sec. 515.560(c) and such other transactions as are directly incident to athletic competition by amateur or semi-professional athletes or athletic teams traveling to participate in athletic competition in Cuba are authorized, provided that:
(1) The athletic competition in Cuba is held under the auspices of the international sports federation for the relevant sport;
(2) The U.S. participants in the athletic competition are selected by the U.S. federation for the relevant sport; and
(3) The competition is open for attendance, and in relevant situations, participation, by the Cuban public.
(b) General license for public performances, clinics, workshops, other athletic or non-athletic competitions, and exhibitions. The travel-related transactions set forth in Sec. 515.560(c) and such other transactions as are directly incident to participation in a public performance, clinic, workshop, athletic competition not covered by paragraph (a) of this section, non-athletic competition, or exhibition in Cuba by participants in such activities are authorized, provided that:
(1) The event is open for attendance, and in relevant situations participation, by the Cuban public;
(2) All U.S. profits from the event after costs are donated to an independent nongovernmental organization in Cuba or a U.S.-based charity, with the objective, to the extent possible, of promoting people-to-people contacts or otherwise benefiting the Cuban people; and
(3) Any clinics or workshops in Cuba must be organized and run, at least in part, by the authorized traveler.
Example to Sec. 515.567(a) and (b): An amateur baseball team wishes to travel to Cuba to compete against a Cuban team in a baseball game in Cuba. The game will not be held under the auspices of the international sports federation for baseball. The baseball team's activities therefore would not qualify for the general license in paragraph (a). The game will, however, be open to the Cuban public and any profits after costs from the game will be donated to an independent non-governmental organization in Cuba. The baseball team's activities would qualify for the general license in paragraph (b).
Note to Sec. 515.567(a) and (b):
Each person relying on the general authorizations in these paragraphs must retain specific records related to the authorized travel transactions. See Sec. Sec. 501.601 and 501.602 of this chapter for applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
(c) An entire group does not qualify for the general license in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section merely because some members of the group qualify individually.
(d) Specific licenses. Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis authorizing the travel-related transactions set forth in Sec. 515.560(c) and such other transactions as are related to public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions that do not qualify for the general licenses under paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section. [80 FR 2298, Jan. 16, 2015] Sec. 515.568 [Reserved]