(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section and otherwise in this part, the regulations in this part apply from the effective date (as defined in Section 800.210).
(b) Sections 800.204 (Control), 800.205 (Conversion), 800.206 (Convertible voting instrument), 800.211 (Entity), 800.212 (Foreign entity), 800.216 (Foreign person), 800.220 (Party or parties to a transaction), 800.223 (Solely for the purpose of passive investment), 800.224 (Transaction), 800.226 (U.S. business), and 800.228 (Voting interest), and the regulations in subpart C (Coverage) do not apply to any transaction for which the following has occurred before the effective date, in which case corresponding provisions of the regulations in this part that were in effect the day before the effective date will apply:
(1) The parties to the transaction have executed a written agreement or other document establishing the material terms of the transaction;
(2) A party has made a public offer to shareholders to buy shares of a U.S. business;
(3) A shareholder has solicited proxies in connection with an election of the board of directors of a U.S. business or has requested the conversion of convertible voting securities; or
(4) The parties have, in the Committee's view, otherwise made a commitment to engage in a transaction.
Note to Sec. 800.103: See subpart H of this part for specific applicability rules pertaining to that subpart.