(a) Director, SAPRO. The Director, SAPRO, under the authority, direction and control of the USD(P&R;) through the Director, DoDHRA, shall serve as the single point of authority, accountability, and oversight for the DoD SAPR program. DoD SAPRO provides recommendations to the USD(P&R;) on the issue of DoD sexual assault policy matters on prevention, response, oversight, standards, training, and program requirements. The Director, SAPRO shall:
(1) Assist the USD(P&R;) in developing, administering, and monitoring the effectiveness of DoD SAPR policies and programs. Implement and monitor compliance with DoD sexual assault policy on prevention and response.
(2) With the USD(P&R;), update the Deputy Secretary of Defense on SAPR policies and programs on a semi-annual schedule.
(3) Develop DoD programs to direct SAPR education, training, and awareness for DoD personnel consistent with this part and 32 CFR part 103.
(4) Coordinate the management of DoD SAPR Program and oversee the implementation in the Service SAPR Programs.
(5) Provide technical assistance to the Heads of the DoD Components in addressing matters concerning SAPR and facilitate the identification and resolution of issues and concerns common to the Military Services and joint commands.
(6) Develop strategic program guidance, joint planning objectives, standard terminology, and identify legislative changes needed to advance the SAPR program.
(7) Develop oversight metrics to measure compliance and effectiveness of SAPR training, sexual assault awareness, prevention, and response policies and programs; analyze data; and make recommendations regarding SAPR policies and programs to the USD(P&R;) and the Secretaries of the Military Departments.
(8) Establish reporting categories and monitor specific goals included in the annual SAPR assessments of each Military Service and its respective Military Service Academy, as required by 32 CFR part 103, sections 113 and 4331 of title 10, U.S.C., and in accordance with Sec. 105.16 of this part.
(9) Acquire quarterly, annual, and installation-based SAPR data from the Military Services and assemble annual congressional reports involving persons covered by this part and 32 CFR part 103. Consult with and rely on the Secretaries of the Military Departments in questions concerning disposition results of sexual assault cases in their respective Military Department.
(10) Prepare the annual fiscal year (FY) reports submitted by the Secretary of Defense to the Congress on the sexual assaults involving Service members and a report on the members of the Military Service Academies to Congress submitted by the Secretary of Defense.
(11) Publicize SAPR outreach, awareness, prevention, response, and oversight initiatives and programs.
(12) Oversee the development, implementation, maintenance, and function of the DSAID to meet congressional reporting requirements, support Military Service SAPR program management, and conduct DoD SAPRO oversight activities.
(13) Establish, oversee, publicize and maintain the DoD Safe Helpline and facilitate victim reporting through its connection to the nearest SARC, and other resources as warranted.
(14) Establish and oversee the D-SAACP to ensure all sexual assault victims are offered the assistance of a credentialed SARC or SAPR VA.
(15) Annually review the Military Services resourcing and funding of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL) in the area of sexual assault.
(i) Assist the Department of the Army in identifying the funding and resources needed to operate USACIL, to facilitate forensic evidence being processed within 60 working days from day of receipt in accordance with section 113 of title 10, U.S.C.
(ii) Encourage the Military Services that use USACIL to contribute to the operation of USACIL by ensuring that USACIL is funded and resourced appropriately to complete forensic evidence processing within 60 working days.
(16) Chair the SAPR IPT.
(b) SAPR IPT. (1) Membership. The SAPR IPT shall include:
(1) Membership. The SAPR IPT shall include:
(i) Director, SAPRO. The Director shall serve as the chair.
(ii) Deputy Assistant Secretaries for Manpower and Reserve Affairs of the Departments of the Army and the Air Force.
(iii) A senior representative of the Department of the Navy SAPRO.
(iv) A G/FO or DoD SES civilian from: the Joint Staff, Manpower and Personnel (J-1); the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs; the NGB; the Office of the GC, DoD; and the Office of the ASD(HA). Other DoD Components representatives shall be invited to specific SAPR IPT meetings when their expertise is needed to inform and resolve issues being addressed. A senior representative from the Coast Guard shall be an invited guest.
(v) Consistent with Section 8(c) of Public Law 100-504, the IG DoD shall be authorized to send one or more observers to attend all SAPR IPT meetings in order to monitor and evaluate program performance.
(2) Duties. The SAPR IPT shall:
(i) Through the chair, advise the USD(P&R;) and the Secretary of Defense on SAPR IPT meeting recommendations on policies for sexual assault issues involving persons covered by this part.
(ii) Serve as the implementation and oversight arm of the DoD SAPR Program. Coordinate policy and review the DoD's SAPR policies and programs consistent with this part and 32 CFR part 103, as necessary. Monitor the progress of program elements.
(iii) Meet every other month. Ad hoc meetings may be scheduled as necessary at the discretion of the chair. Members are selected and meetings scheduled according to the SAPR IPT Charter.
(iv) Discuss and analyze broad SAPR issues that may generate targeted topics for WIPTs. WIPTs shall focus on one select issue, be governed by a charter with enumerated goals for which the details will be laid out in individual work plans (see Sec. 105.3), and be subject to a definitive timeline for the accomplishment of the stated goals. Issues that cannot be resolved by the SAPR IPT or that require higher level decision making shall be sent to the USD(P&R;) for resolution.
(3) Chair duties. The chair shall:
(i) Advise the USD(P&R;) and the Secretary of Defense on SAPR IPT recommendations on policies for sexual assault issues involving persons covered by this part.
(ii) Represent the USD(P&R;) in SAPR matters consistent with this part and 32 CFR part 103.
(iii) Oversee discussions in the SAPR IPT that generate topics for WIPTs. Provide final approval for topics, charters, and timelines for WIPTs.