It is DoD policy that:
(a) General Policy. The use of regulatory authority to establish DoD health care eligibility for individuals without a specific statutory entitlement or eligibility shall be used very sparingly, and only when it serves a compelling DoD mission interest. When used, it shall be on a reimbursable basis, unless non-reimbursable care is authorized by this part or reimbursement is waived by the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness) (USD(P&R;)) or the Secretaries of the Military Departments when they are the approving authority.
(b) Foreign Military Personnel and Their Dependents. (1) MTF Care in the United States. Foreign military personnel in the United States under the sponsorship or invitation of the Department of Defense, and their dependents approved by the Department of Defense to accompany them, are eligible for space-available care as provided in DoD Instruction 1000.13.\4\ Consistent with 10 U.S.C. 2559, in cases in which reimbursement is required by DoD Instruction 1000.13, a RHCA may provide a waiver of reimbursement for inpatient and/or outpatient care in the United States in a military medical treatment facility for military personnel from a foreign country and their dependents, if comparable care is made available to at least a comparable number of U.S. military personnel and their dependents in that foreign country. A disparity of 25 percent or less in the number of foreign personnel and dependents above U.S. personnel and dependents shall be considered within the range of comparable numbers.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\4\ Copies available on the Internet at
(2) Non-MTF Care in the United States. Foreign military personnel in the United States under the sponsorship or invitation of the Department of Defense, and their dependents approved by the Department of Defense to accompany them, are not eligible for DoD payment for outpatient or inpatient care received from non-DoD providers, except for such personnel covered by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) or the Partnership for Peace SOFA and authorized care under the TRICARE Standard program according to Sec. 199.3 of title 32, Code of Federal Regulations, outpatient care may be provided as specified therein.
(c) Foreign Diplomatic or Other Senior Foreign Officials. Foreign diplomatic or other senior foreign officials and the dependents of such officials may be provided inpatient or outpatient services in MTFs only in compelling circumstances, including both medical circumstances and mission interests, and through case-by-case approval.
(1) In the United States, the approval authority is the USD(P&R;). The authority to waive reimbursement for care provided in the United States, to the extent allowed by law, is the USD(P&R;) or the Secretaries of the Military Departments when they are the approving authority.
(2) Requests from the State Department or other agency of the U.S. Government will be considered on a reimbursable basis.
(3) Under 10 U.S.C. 2559, reimbursement to the United States for care provided in the United States on an inpatient basis to foreign diplomatic personnel or their dependents is required.
(d) Other Foreign Nationals. Other foreign nationals (other than those described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section) may be designated as eligible for space-available care in MTFs only in extraordinary circumstances.
(1) The authority to waive reimbursement for care provided in the United States, to the extent allowed by law, is the USD(P&R;) or the Secretaries of the Military Departments when they are the approving authority. Waiver requests will only be considered based on a direct and compelling relationship to a priority DoD mission objective.
(2) Requests from the State Department or other agency of the U.S. Government will be considered on a reimbursable basis. Such requests must be supported by the U.S. Ambassador to the country involved and the Geographical Combatant Commander for that area of responsibility and must be premised on critically important interests of the United States.
(e) Invited Persons Accompanying the Overseas Force. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the USD(P&R;) may designate as eligible for space-available care from the Military Health System outside the United States those persons invited by the Department of Defense to accompany or visit the military force in overseas locations or invited to participate in DoD-sponsored morale, welfare, and recreation activities. This authority is limited to health care needs arising in the course of the invited activities. Separate approval is needed to continue health care initiated under this paragraph in MTFs in the United States.
(1) In the case of employees or affiliates of news organizations, all care provided under the authority of introductory paragraph (e) of this section is reimbursable. For other individuals designated as eligible under this paragraph (e), the designation may provide, to the extent allowed by law, for outpatient care on a non-reimbursable basis, and establish a case-by-case authority for waiver of reimbursement for inpatient care.
(2) This paragraph (e) does not apply to employees of the Executive Branch of the United States or personnel affiliated with contractors of the United States.
(f) U.S. Nationals Overseas. Health care for U.S. nationals overseas is not authorized, except as otherwise provided in this part.
(g) U.S. Government Civilian Employees and Contractor Personnel. (1) Civilian employees of the Department of Defense and other government agencies, and employees of DoD contractors, and the dependents of such personnel are eligible for MTF care to the extent provided in DoD Instruction 1000.13.
(1) Civilian employees of the Department of Defense and other government agencies, and employees of DoD contractors, and the dependents of such personnel are eligible for MTF care to the extent provided in DoD Instruction 1000.13.
(2) Occupational health care services provided to DoD employees under 5 U.S.C. 7901, authorities cited in DoD Instruction 6055.1,\5\ or under other authorities except 10 U.S.C. 1074(c) are not affected by this Instruction. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the USD(P&R;) may designate DoD civilian employees, applicants for employment, and personnel performing services for the Department of Defense under Federal contracts as eligible for occupational health care services required by the Department of Defense as a condition of employment or involvement in any particular assignment, duty, or undertaking.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\5\ Copies available on the Internet at
(3) Any health care services provided by the Military Health System to employees of DoD non-appropriated fund instrumentalities shall be on a reimbursable basis.
(4) In the case of DoD civilian employees forward deployed in support of U.S. military personnel engaged in hostilities, eligibility for MTF care (in addition to all eligibility for programs administered by the Department of Labor Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)) is as follows:
(i) Consistent with Policy Guidance for Provision of Medical Care to DoD Civilian Employees Injured or Wounded While Forward Deployed in Support of Hostilities,\6\ DoD civilian employees who become ill, contract diseases, or are injured or wounded while so deployed are eligible for medical evacuation or health care treatment and services in MTFs at the same level and scope provided to military personnel, all on a non-reimbursable basis, until returned to the United States.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\6\ Copies available at OASD (Health Affairs/TMA FHP&RP;), 1200 Defense Pentagon, Room 3E1073, Washington, DC 20301-1200.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii) DoD civilian employees who, subsequent to such deployment, and have been determined to have OWCP-compensable conditions are eligible for MTF care for such conditions, all on a non-reimbursable basis.
(iii) USD(P&R;) may, under compelling circumstances, approve additional eligibility for care in MTFs for other U.S. Government civilian employees who become ill or injured while so deployed, or other DoD civilian employees overseas.
(5) Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany U.S. Armed Forces. In the case of contractor personnel authorized to accompany U.S. Armed Forces in deployed settings under DoD Instruction 3020.41,\7\ MTF care may be provided as stated in DoD Instruction 3020.41.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\7\ Copies available on the Internet at
(h) Emergency Health Care. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the USD(P&R;) may designate emergency patients as eligible for emergency health care from MTFs in the United States pursuant to arrangements with local health authorities or in other appropriate circumstances. Such care shall be on a reimbursable basis, unless waived by the USD(P&R;) or the Secretaries of the Military Departments when they are the approving authority.
(i) Research Subject Volunteers. Research subjects are eligible for health care services from MTFs to the extent DoD Components are required by DoD Directive 3216.02 \8\ to establish procedures to protect subjects from medical expenses that are a direct result of participation in the research. Such care is on a non-reimbursable basis and limited to research injuries (unless the volunteer is otherwise an eligible health care beneficiary). Care is authorized during the pendency of the volunteer's involvement in the research, and may be extended further upon the approval of the USD(P&R;).---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\8\ Copies available on the Internet at
(j) Continuity of Care Extensions of Eligibility. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the USD(P&R;) may establish temporary eligibility on a space-available basis for former members and former dependents of members of the seven Uniformed Services for a limited period of time, not to exceed 6 months, or in the case of pregnancy the completion of the pregnancy, after statutory eligibility expires when appropriate to allow completion or appropriate transition of a course of treatment begun prior to such expiration. In the case of a pregnancy covered by this paragraph, the designation of eligibility may include initial health care for the newborn infant. Care under this paragraph is authorized on a non-reimbursable basis for the former member or former dependent of member. Care under this paragraph for the newborn of those former members or former dependents is authorized but on a full reimbursable basis unless the Secretary of the Military Department elect to use Secretarial Designee status for the newborn.
(k) Members of the Armed Forces. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the USD(P&R;) may establish eligibility not specifically provided by statute for critical mission-related health care services for designated members of the Armed Forces, such as Reserve Component members not in a present duty status. This authority includes payment for health care services in private facilities to the extent authorized by 10 U.S.C. 1074(c). Care under this paragraph is non-reimbursable.
(l) Certain Senior Officials of the U.S. Government. The officials and others listed in Sec. 108.5 of this part are designated as eligible for space-available inpatient and outpatient health care services from the Military Health System on a reimbursable basis.
(m) Nonmedical Attendants. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the USD(P&R;) may designate as eligible for space available MTF care persons designated as nonmedical attendants as defined by 37 U.S.C. 411k(b). Costs of medical care rendered are reimbursable unless reimbursement is waived by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned or USD(P&R;). This authority is limited to health care needs arising while designated as a nonmedical attendant.
(n) Patient Movement. Provisions of this Instruction concerning inpatient care shall also apply to requests for patient movement through the medical evacuation system under DoD Instruction 6000.11.\9\ Aeromedical evacuation transportation assets are reserved for those individuals designated as Secretarial Designees who need transportation to attain necessary health care.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\9\ Copies available on the Internet at
(o) Other Individuals Entitled to DoD Identification (ID) Card. Other individuals entitled to a DoD ID card under DoD Instruction 1000.13 are eligible for space-available MTF health care to the extent provided in DoD Instruction 1000.13.
(p) Reciprocity Among Military Departments. Subject to the capabilities of the professional staff, the availability of space and facilities, and any other limitation imposed by the approving authority, all Services will provide medical treatment to individuals who have been granted Secretarial designee status by any of the Secretaries of the Military Departments. Each agreement must identify the specific MTF or geographical region in which medical care is requested, requiring close coordination among service program managers.