(a) DLA field activities. (1) Heads of DLA Primary Level Field Activities are responsible for:
(1) Heads of DLA Primary Level Field Activities are responsible for:
(i) Designating a qualified individual under their command, preferably one experienced in the conduct of investigations, as the Claims Investigating Officer for the activity.
(ii) Authorizing Heads of subordinate activities to appoint Claims Investigating Officers where necessary.
(2) The Commander, DLA Administrative Support Center (DLASC) is responsible for designating a qualified individual, preferably one experienced in the conduct of investigations, as the Claims Investigating Officer for DLASC and HQ DLA.
(3) Claims Investigating Officers are responsible for the expeditious conduct of all investigations and the processing of reports in accordance with appropriate Departmental regulations as prescribed by this part 1280. To ensure prompt investigation of every incident while witnesses are available, and before damage has been repaired, the duties of personnel as Claims Investigating Officers will ordinarily have priority over any other assignments they may have.
(4) The Counsel, DLA Field Activities are responsible for:
(i) Receiving claims reports and information about related litigation, and processing these reports and information in accordance with this part 1280 and appropriate Departmental regulations.
(ii) Providing directions and guidance to Claims Investigating Officers in the investigation and processing of claims.
(b) The Counsel, DLA (DLAH-G) is responsible for:
(1) Providing guidance to Counsel at DLA field activities on all claims and litigation matters within the purview of this part 1280.
(2) Receiving claims reports and information on related litigation forwarded to HQ DLA, Attention: DLAH-G, and processing these in accordance with this part 1280 and appropriate Departmental regulations.
(3) Maintaining this part 1280 in a current status and reviewing it annually.