Personnel security investigative reports and personnel security determination information shall be safeguarded as follows:
(a) Authorized requesters shall control and maintain accountability of all reports of investigation received.
(b) Reproduction, in whole or in part, of personnel security investigative reports by requesters shall be restricted to the minimum number of copies required for the performance of assigned duties.
(c) Personnel security investigative reports shall be stored in a vault, safe, or steel file cabinet having at least a lockbar and an approved three-position dial-type combination padlock or in a similarly protected area/container.
(d) Reports of DoD personnel security investigations shall be sealed in double envelopes or covers when transmitted by mail or when carried by persons not authorized access to such information. The inner cover shall bear a notation substantially as follows:TO BE OPENED ONLY BY OFFICIALS DESIGNATED TO RECEIVE REPORTS OF
(e) An individual's status with respect to a personnel security clearance or a Special Access authorization is to be protected as provided for in 32 CFR part 286.