It is DoD policy that:
(a) OCS actions (e.g., planning, accountability, visibility, deployment, protection, and redeployment requirements) shall be implemented to:
(1) Incorporate appropriate contingency program management processes during applicable contingency operations.
(2) Comply with applicable U.S., international, and local laws, regulations, policies, and agreements.
(3) Use contract support only in appropriate situations consistent with 48 CFR subpart 7.5, 48 CFR 207.503, and DoD Instruction 1100.22, ``Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix.''
(4) Fully consider, plan for, integrate, and execute acquisition of, contracted support, including synchronizing and integrating contracted support flowing into an operational area from systems support, external support and theater support contracts and managing the associated contractor personnel, into applicable contingency operations consistent with CCDR policies and procedures and Joint Publication (JP) 4-10, ``Operational Contract Support,'' (see doctrine/ new_pubs/ jp4_10.pdf).
(b) Contractors are generally responsible for providing their own logistical support. However, in austere, uncertain, and/or hostile environments, the DoD may provide logistical support to ensure continuation of essential contractor services. CAAF may receive Government-furnished support commensurate with the operational situation in accordance with the terms and conditions of their contract.
(c) Contracting officers will ensure that contracts used to support DoD operations require:
(1) That CAAF deploying from outside the operational area be processed through formal deployment (replacement) centers or a DoD-approved equivalent process prior to departure, and through in-theater reception centers upon arrival in the operational area, as specified in Sec. 158.6 of this part.
(2) That contractors provide personnel who are medically, dentally, and psychologically fit, and if applicable, professionally tested and certified, to perform contract duties in applicable contingency operations. Section 158.6 of this part details medical support and evacuation procedures. Section 158.7 of this part provides guidance on contractor medical, psychological, and dental fitness.
(3) Solicitations and contracts address any applicable host country and designated operational area performance considerations.
(d) Contracts for highly sensitive, classified, cryptologic, and intelligence projects and programs shall implement this part to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with applicable laws, Executive orders, Presidential Directives, and DoD issuances.
(e) In applicable contingency operations, contractor visibility and accountability shall be maintained through a common joint database, the Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT) or its successor.