(a) The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L;)) shall develop, coordinate, establish, and oversee the implementation of DoD policy for managing OCS.
(b) The Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(AT&L;), shall:
(1) Oversee all acquisition and procurement policy matters including the development of DoD policies for contingency contracting and the coordinated development and publication of contract prescriptions and standardized contract clauses in 48 CFR 207.503, 252.225-7040, and 202.101, and associated contracting officer guidance in 48 CFR PGI 225.74. This includes working collaboratively with OSD Principal Staff Assistants, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) representatives, and the DoD Component Heads in the development of OCS related policies and ensuring that contracting equities are addressed.
(2) Develop contingency contracting policy and implement other OCS related policies into DFARS in support of applicable contingency operations.
(3) Ensure implementation by contracting officers and CORs of relevant laws and policies in 48 CFR Subparts 4.1301, 4.1303, 52.204-9, 7.5, 7.503(e), 2.101, and 3.502; 48 CFR Subparts 207.503, 252.225-7040 and 202.101; and 48 CFR PGI 225.74.
(4) Propose legislative initiatives that support accomplishment of the contingency contracting mission.
(5) Improve DoD business processes for contingency contracting while working in conjunction with senior procurement executives across the DoD. Assist other OSD Principal Staff Assistants, CJCS representatives, and DoD Component Heads in efforts to improve other OCS related business processes by ensuring contracting equities and interrelationships are properly addressed.
(6) Support efforts to resource the OCS toolset under the lead of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Support (DASD(PS)) pursuant to paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section.
(7) Coordinate activities with other Government agencies to provide unity of effort. Maintain an open, user-friendly source for reports and lessons learned and ensure the coordinated development and publication, through participation on the FAR Council, of standardized contract clauses.
(8) As a member of the Contracting Functional Integrated Planning Team, collaborate with the Defense Acquisition University to offer education for all contingency contracting personnel.
(9) Participate in the OCS Functional Capability Integration Board (FCIB) to facilitate development of standard joint OCS concepts, policies, doctrine, processes, plans, programs, tools, reporting, and training to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
(10) In concert with the supported Combatant Commander, coordinate in advance of execution Executive Agency for Head of Contracting Activity requisite Operational Plans (OPLANS), Concept Plans (CONPLANS), and operations, where a lead service or a Joint Theater Support Contracting Command (JTSCC) will be established.
(c) The DASD(PS), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(AT&L;) through the Assistant Security of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness (ASD(L&MR;)), is responsible for oversight and management to enable the orchestration, integration, and synchronization of the preparation and execution of acquisitions for DoD contingency operations, and shall:
(1) Coordinate policy relating to field operations and contingency contractor personnel in forward areas and the battlespace. In cooperation with the Joint Staff, Military Departments, and OSD, serve as the DoD focal point for the community of practice and the community of interest for efforts to improve OCS program management and oversight.
(2) Co-chair with the Vice Director, Directorate for Logistics, Joint Staff, (VDJ4) the OCS FCIB to lead and coordinate OCS with OSD, Military Department, and Defense Agency senior procurement officers in accordance with the OCS FCIB Charter (see http://www.acq.osd.mil/ log/PS/fcib/ OCS_FCIB_ charter_ USA000737-09_ signed.pdf).
(3) Ensure integration of joint OCS activities across other joint capability areas and joint warfighting functions.
(4) Provide input to the Logistics Capability Portfolio Manager and the CJCS in the development of capability priorities; review final capability priorities; and provide advice to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) in developing the Quadrennial Defense Review (see http://www.defense.gov/ qdr/images/ QDR_as_of_ 12Feb10_ 1000.pdf) and defense planning and programming guidance, as appropriate.
(5) Serve as the DoD lead to:
(i) Develop a programmatic approach for the preparation and execution of orchestrating, integrating, and synchronizing acquisitions for contingency operations.
(ii) Establish and oversee DoD policies for OCS program management in the planning and execution of combat, post-combat, and other contingency operations involving the Military Departments, other Government agencies, multinational forces, and non-governmental organizations, as required.
(6) Improve DoD business practices for OCS.
(i) In consultation with the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R;)); the Director, DPAP; and the CJCS, ensure a joint web-based contract visibility and contractor personnel accountability system (currently SPOT) is designated and implemented, including business rules for its use.
(ii) Lead the effort to resource the OCS toolset providing improved OCS program management, planning, OCS preparation of the battlefield, systems support, and theater support contracts, contractor accountability systems, and automated contract process capabilities, including reach back from remote locations to the national defense contract base (e.g., hardware and software).
(7) In consultation with the Heads of the OSD and DoD Components, provide oversight of experimentation efforts focusing on concept development for OCS execution.
(8) Serve as the DoD lead for the oversight of training and education of non-acquisition, non-contracting personnel identified to support OCS efforts.
(d) The Director, DLA, under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(AT&L;), through the ASD(L&MR;) shall, through the Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office (JCASO), provide enabler OCS support to CCDR OCS planning efforts and training events, and, when requested, advise, assist, and support JFC oversight of OCS operations. Specifically, the Director, JCASO, shall:
(1) Provide OCS planning support to the CCDR through Joint OCS Planners embedded within the geographic Combatant Command staff. Maintain situational awareness of all plans with significant OCS equity for the purposes of exercise support and preparation for operational deployment. From JCASO forward involvement in exercises and operational deployments, develop and submit lessons learned that result in improved best practices and planning.
(2) When requested, assist the Joint Staff in support of the Chairman's OCS responsibilities listed in paragraph (l) of this section.
(3) Facilitate improvement in OCS planning and execution through capture and review of joint OCS lessons learned. In cooperation with USJFCOM, Military Services, other DoD Components, and interagency partners, collect joint operations focused OCS lessons learned and best practices from contingency operations and exercises to inform OCS policy and recommend doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) solutions.
(4) Participate in joint exercises, derive OCS best practices from after-action reports and refine tactics/techniques/procedures, deployment drills, and personal and functional training (to include curriculum reviews and recommendations). Assist in the improvement of OCS related policy, doctrine, rules, tools, and processes.
(5) Provide the geographic CCDRs, when requested, with deployable experts to assist the CCDR and subordinate JFCs in managing OCS requirements in a contingency environment.
(6) Practice continuous OCS-related engagement with interagency representatives and multinational partners, as appropriate and consistent with existing authorities.
(7) Participate in the OCS FCIB to facilitate development of standard joint OCS concepts, policies, doctrine, processes, plans, programs, tools, reporting, and training to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
(e) The Director, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(AT&L;), through the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition (ASD(Acquisition)), plans for and performs contingency contract administration services in support of the CJCS and CCDRs in the planning and execution of military operations, consistent with DCMA's established responsibilities and functions.
(f) The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)), as the Principal Staff Assistant for intelligence, counterintelligence, and security in accordance with DoD Directive 5143.01 (see http://www.dtic.mil/ whs/directives/ corres/pdf/ 514301p.pdf), shall:
(1) Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of DoD security programs and guidance for those contractors covered in DoD Instruction 5220.22 (see http://www.dtic.mil/ whs/directives/ corres/pdf/ 522022p.pdf.
(2) Assist the USD(AT&L;) in determining appropriate contract clauses for intelligence, counterintelligence, and security requirements.
(3) Establish policy for contractor employees under the terms of the applicable contracts that support background investigations in compliance with 48 CFR 4.1301, 4.1303, and 52.204-9.
(4) Coordinate security and counterintelligence policy affecting contract linguists with the Secretary of the Army pursuant to DoD Directive 5160.41E (see http://www.dtic.mil/ whs/directives/ corres/pdf/ 516041p.pdf).
(g) The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD(HA)), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R;), shall assist in the development of policy addressing the reimbursement of funds for qualifying medical support received by contingency contractor personnel in applicable contingency operations.
(h) The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness (DASD(Readiness)) under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R;), shall develop policy and set standards for managing contract linguist capabilities supporting the total force to include requirements for linguists and tracking linguist and role players to ensure that force readiness and security requirements are met.
(i) The Director, Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R;), through the Director, DoD Human Resources Activity, shall:
(1) Serve as the central repository of information for all historical data on contractor personnel who have been issued common access cards (CAC) and are included in SPOT or its successor, that is to be archived.
(2) Ensure all data elements of SPOT or its successor to be archived are USD(P&R;)-approved and DMDC-system compatible, and ensure the repository is protected at a level commensurate with the sensitivity of the information contained therein.
(j) The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer (USD(C)/CFO), DoD, shall develop policy addressing the reimbursement of funds for qualifying medical support received by contingency contractor personnel in applicable contingency operations.
(k) The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Directors of the Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities shall incorporate this part into applicable policy, doctrine, programming, training, and operations and ensure:
(1) Assigned contracting activities populate SPOT with the required data in accordance with Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness Publication, ``Business Rules for the Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT),'' current edition (see http://www.acq.osd.mil/ log/PS/ spot.html) and that information has been reviewed for security and operational security (OPSEC) concerns in accordance with paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(E) of Sec. 158.6.
(2) CAAF meet all theater and/or joint operational area (JOA) admission procedures and requirements prior to deploying to or entering the theater or JOA.
(3) Contracting officers include in the contract:
(i) Appropriate terms and conditions and clause(s) in accordance with 48 CFR 252.225-7040 and 48 CFR PGI 225.74.
(ii) Specific deployment and theater admission requirements according to 48 CFR 252.225-7040 and 48 CFR PGI 225.74, and the applicable CCDR Web sites.
(iii) Specific medical preparation requirements according to paragraph (c)(8) of Sec. 158.6.
(iv) The level of protection to be provided to contingency contractor personnel in accordance with paragraph (d)(5) of Sec. 158.6. Contracting officers shall follow the procedures on the applicable CCDR Web sites to obtain theater-specific requirements.
(v) Government-furnished support and equipment to be provided to contractor personnel with prior coordination and approval of theater adjudication authorities, as referenced on the applicable CCDR Web sites.
(vi) A requirement for contractor personnel to show and have verified by the COR, proof of professional certifications/proficiencies as stipulated in the contract.
(4) Standardized contract accountability financial and oversight processes are developed and implemented.
(5) Requirements packages are completed to include all required documentation (e.g., letter of justification, performance work statement, nominated COR, independent Government estimate (IGE)) are completed and funding strategies are articulated and updated as required.
(6) CORs are planned for, resourced, and sustained as necessary to ensure proper contract management capabilities are in place and properly executed.
(7) Assigned contracting activities plan for, and ensure the contractor plans for, the resources necessary to implement and sustain contractor accountability in forward areas through SPOT or its successor.
(8) Contract support integration plans (CSIPs) and contractor management plans (CMPs) are developed as directed by the supported CCDR.
(9) The risk of premature loss of mission-essential OCS is assessed and the mitigation of the loss of contingency contractor personnel in wartime or contingency operations who are performing essential contractor services is properly planned for.
(10) Assigned contracting activities comply with theater business clearance and contract administration delegation policies and processes when implemented by CCDRs to support any phase of a contingency operation.
(11) Agency equities are integrated and conducted in concert with the CCDR's plans for OCS intelligence of the battlefield.
(12) The implementation of a certification of, and a waiver process for, contractor-performed deployment and redeployment processing in lieu of a formally designated group, joint, or Military Department deployment center.
(13) Support the effort to resource the OCS toolset under the lead of the DASD(PS) pursuant to paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section.
(l) The CJCS shall:
(1) Where appropriate, incorporate program management and elements of this part into joint doctrine, joint instructions and manuals, joint training, joint education, joint capability development, joint strategic planning system (e.g., Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES)), and CCDR oversight.
(2) Co-chair with the VDJ4 the OCS FCIB to lead and coordinate OCS with OSD, Military Department, and Defense Agency senior procurement officers in accordance with OCS FCIB charter. Provide the OCS FCIB with input and awareness of the CJCS functions and activities as defined in 10 U.S.C. 153 and 155.
(3) Perform OCS related missions and functions as outlined in the Joint Staff Manual 5100.01 \1\ and the Chairman's authorities as defined in 10 U.S.C. (see http://uscode.house.gov/ download/title_ 10.shtml).---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\1\ This document is classified Restricted, and is available via Secure Internet Protocol Router Network at http://js.smil.mil. If the requester is not an authorized user of the classified network the requestor should contact Joint Staff J-1 at (703) 697-9645.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(m) The geographic CCDRs and the CDRUSSOCOM (when they are the supported commander) shall:
(1) Plan and execute OCS program management, contract support integration, and contractor management actions in all applicable contingency operations in their AOR.
(2) Conduct integrated planning to determine and synchronize contract support requirements to facilitate OCS planning and contracting and contractor management oversight.
(3) In coordination with the Services and functional components, identify military capabilities shortfalls in all the joint warfighting functions that require contracted solutions. Ensure these requirements are captured in the appropriate CCDR, subordinate JFC, Service component and combat support agency CSIP or other appropriate section of the CONPLAN with time-phased force and deployment data (TPFDD), OPLAN or operation order (OPORD).
(4) Require Service component commanders and supporting Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities to:
(i) Identify and incorporate contract support and operational acquisition requirements in supporting plans to OPLANs and CONPLANs with TPFDD, and to synchronize their supporting CSIPs, CMPs, and contracted requirements and execution plans within geographic CCDR OPLANs and CONPLANs with TPFDD.
(ii) Review their supporting CSIPs and CMPs and identify funding strategies for particular contracted capabilities identified to support each OPLAN and CONPLAN.
(iii) Develop acquisition-ready requirements documents as identified in CSIPs including performance work statements, IGEs, task order change documents, and sole source justifications.
(iv) Ensure CAAF and their equipment are incorporated into TPFDD development and deployment execution processes in accordance with CJCS Manual 3122.02C, JOPES Volume III, ``Crisis Action Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data Development and Deployment Execution,'' June 19, 2006.
(v) Ensure financial management policies and procedures are in place in accordance with DoD 7000.14-R (see http://comptroller. defense.gov/fmr/) and applicable service specific financial management implementation guidance.
(5) Develop and publish comprehensive OCS plans. Synchronize OCS requirements among all Service components and Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities operating within or in support of their area of responsibility (AOR). Optimize operational unity of effort by analyzing existing and projected theater support and external support contracts to minimize, reduce, and eliminate redundant and overlapping requirements and contracted capabilities.
(6) Ensure OCS requirements for the Defense Agencies, multinational partners, and other Governmental agencies are addressed and priorities of effort for resources are deconflicted and synchronized with OCS to military forces.
(7) Ensure policies and procedures are in place for reimbursing Government-furnished support of contingency contractor personnel, including (but not limited to) subsistence, military air, intra-theater lift, and medical treatment, when applicable.
(8) Ensure CAAF and equipment requirements (regardless if provided by the Government or the contractor) in support of an operation are incorporated into plan TPFDDs.
(9) Review Service component assessments of the risk of premature loss of essential contractor services and review contingency plans to mitigate potential premature loss of essential contractor services.
(10) Establish and communicate to contracting officers theater and/or JOA CAAF admission procedures and requirements, including country and theater clearance, waiver authority, immunizations, required training or equipment, and any restrictions necessary to ensure proper deployment, visibility, security, accountability, and redeployment of CAAF to their AORs and/or JOAs. Implement DoD Foreign Clearance Guide, current edition (available at https://www.fcg. pentagon.mil/).
(11) Coordinate with the Office of the USD(P) to ensure special area, country, and theater personnel clearance requirements are current in accordance with DoD Foreign Clearance Guide, and coordinate with affected agencies (e.g., Intelligence Community agencies) to ensure that entry requirements do not impact mission accomplishment.
(12) Determine and distribute specific theater OCS organizational guidance in plans, to include command, control, and coordination, and Head Contracting Authority (HCA) relationships.
(13) Develop and distribute AOR/JOA-wide contractor management requirements, directives, and procedures into a separate contractor management plan as an annex or the appropriate section of the appropriate plan.
(14) Establish, staff, and execute appropriate OCS-related boards, centers, and working groups.
(15) Integrate OCS into mission rehearsals and training exercises.
(16) When contracts are being or will be executed in an AOR/JOA, designate and identify the organization responsible for managing and prescribing processes to:
(i) Establish procedures and assign authorities for adjudicating requests for provision of Government-furnished equipment and services to contractors when such support is operationally required. This should include procedures for communicating approval to the requiring activity and the contracting officer for incorporation into contracts.
(ii) Authorize trained and qualified contractor personnel to carry weapons for personal protection not related to the performance of contract-specific duties.
(iii) Establish procedures for, including coordination of, inter-theater strategic movements and intra-theater operational and tactical movements of contractor personnel and equipment.
(iv) Collect information on and refer to the appropriate Government agency offenses, arrests, and incidents of alleged misconduct committed by contractor personnel on or off-duty.
(v) Collect and maintain information relating to CAAF and selected non-CAAF kidnappings, injuries, and deaths.
(vi) Identify the minimum standards for conducting and processing background checks, and for issuing access badges to HN, LN, and TCN personnel employed, directly or indirectly, through Government-awarded contracts.
(vii) Remove CAAF from the designated operational area who do not meet medical deployment standards, whose contract period of performance has expired, or who are noncompliant with contract requirements.
(viii) Designate additional contractor personnel not otherwise covered by personnel recovery policy for personnel recovery support in accordance with DoD Directive 3002.01E.
(ix) Ensure that contract oversight plans are developed, and that adequate personnel to assist in contract administration are identified and requested, in either a separate contractor management plan as an annex of plans and orders and/or within appropriate parts of plans and orders.
(x) Develop a security plan for the protection of contingency contractor personnel according to paragraph (d)(5) of Sec. 156.8.
(xi) Develop and implement theater business clearance and, if required, Contract Administration Delegation policies and procedures to ensure visibility of and a level of control over systems support and external support contracts providing or delivering contracted support in contingency operations.
(17) Enforce the individual arming policy and use of private security contractors in accordance with 32 CFR part 159 and DoD Directive 5210.56 (see http://www.dtic.mil/ whs/ directives/ corres/pdf/ 521056p.pdf).
(18) Establish a process for reviewing exceptions to medical standards (waivers) for the conditions in paragraph (j) of Sec. 158.7, including a mechanism to track and archive all approved and denied waivers and the medical conditions requiring waiver. Additionally, serve as the final approval/disapproval authority for all exceptions to this policy, except in special operations where the Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC) commander has the final approval or disapproval authority.
(19) Establish mechanisms for ensuring contractors are required to report offenses alleged to have been committed by or against contractor personnel to appropriate investigative authorities.
(20) Assign responsibility for providing victim and witness protection and assistance to contractor personnel in connection with alleged offenses.
(21) Ensure applicable predeployment, deployment, in-theater management, and redeployment guidance and procedures are readily available and accessible by planners, requiring activities, contracting officers, contractors, contractor personnel and other interested parties on a Web page, and related considerations and requirements are integrated into contracts through contract terms, consistent with security considerations and requirements.
(22) Ensure OCS preparation of the battlefield is vetted with intelligence agencies when appropriate.
(23) Integrate OCS planning with operational planning across all primary and special staff sections.
(n) The functional CCDRs utilizing OCS shall ensure their Commands follow the procedures in this part and applicable operational-specific guidance provided by the supported geographic CCDR.