(a) Sponsoring Agencies, in awarding NDSEG fellowships, shall award:
(1) Solely to U.S. citizens and nationals who agree to pursue graduate degrees in science, engineering, or other fields of study that are designated, in accordance with Sec. 168a.5(b)(2), to be of priority interest to the Department of Defense.
(2) Through a nationwide competition in which all appropriate actions have been taken to encourage applications from members of groups (including minorities, women, and disabled persons) that historically have been underrepresented in science and engineering.
(3) Without regard to the geographic region in which the applicant lives or the geographic region in which the applicant intends to pursue an advanced degree.
(b) The criteria for award of NDSEG fellowships shall be:
(1) The applicant's academic ability relative to other persons applying in the applicant's proposed field of study.
(2) The priority of the applicant's proposed field of study to the Department of Defense.