(a) General. (1) All fees shall be based on full cost to the U.S. Government or market price, whichever applies.
(1) All fees shall be based on full cost to the U.S. Government or market price, whichever applies.
(2) ``Full cost'' includes all direct and indirect costs associated with providing a good, resource, or service. These costs are outlined in Volume 11A, Chapter 1, paragraph 010203 of DoD 7000.14-R.
(3) Full cost shall be determined or estimated from the best available records, and new cost accounting systems shall not be established solely for this purpose.
(4) ``Market price'' means the price for a good, resource, or service that is based on competition in open markets, and creates neither a shortage nor a surplus of the good, resource, or service.
(i) When a substantial competitive demand exists for a good, resource, or service, its market price will be determined using commercial practices, for example:
(A) By competitive bidding; or
(B) By reference to prevailing prices in competitive markets for goods, resources, or services that are the same or similar to those provided by the Government (e.g., campsites or grazing lands in the general vicinity of private ones) with adjustments as appropriate that reflect demand, level of service, and quality of the good or service.
(ii) In the absence of substantial competitive demand, market price will be determined by taking into account the prevailing prices for goods, resources, or services that are the same or substantially similar to those provided by the Government, and then adjusting the supply made available and/or price of the good, resource, or service so that there will be neither a shortage nor a surplus (e.g., campsites in remote areas).
(5) Fees established in advance of performance shall be based on the estimated cost of performance. Projected amounts shall be reviewed biennially or whenever significant changes in cost or value occur.
(6) Management controls (see DoD Instruction 5010.40) must be established to ensure fees are developed and adjusted, using current, accurate, and complete data, to provide reimbursement conforming to statutory requirements. These controls also must ensure compliance with cash management and debt collection policies according to Volume 5 of DoD 7000.14-R.
(b) Information resources. The fees for services provided by data processing activities shall be determined by using the costs accumulated pursuant to requirements in OMB Circular A-130, ``Management of Federal Information Resources.''
(c) User fees for recurring services shall be established in advance, when feasible. The benefit of charging user fees must outweigh the cost of collecting the fees charged.
(d) Lease or sale of property. Fees for lease or sale of property shall be based on the following:
(1) Leases of military equipment or real estate. (i) In cases involving the lease or rental of military equipment, when there is no commercial counterpart, the fee will be based on the procedures provided in Volume 11A, Chapter 1, paragraph 010203.I of DoD 7000.14-R. The current interest rate in OMB Circular A-94 will be used in the computation of interest on investment in assets. In determining the value, consideration may be given to the responsibility of the lessee to assume the risk of loss or damage to the property and to hold the government harmless against claims or liabilities by the lessee or third parties.
(i) In cases involving the lease or rental of military equipment, when there is no commercial counterpart, the fee will be based on the procedures provided in Volume 11A, Chapter 1, paragraph 010203.I of DoD 7000.14-R. The current interest rate in OMB Circular A-94 will be used in the computation of interest on investment in assets. In determining the value, consideration may be given to the responsibility of the lessee to assume the risk of loss or damage to the property and to hold the government harmless against claims or liabilities by the lessee or third parties.
(ii) In cases involving real estate outgrants, the consideration for a lease shall be determined by appraisal of fair market rental value according to 10 U.S.C. 2667.
(2) Sale of property. When there is legal authority to sell property to the public, the selling price of the property and related accessorial and administrative costs shall be computed according to Volume 11A, Chapter 1 of DoD 7000.14-R.