(a) The employment of DoD military resources for assistance to civil authorities in controlling civil disturbances will normally be predicated upon the issuance of a Presidential Executive order or Presidential directive authorizing and directing the Secretary of Defense to provide for the restoration of law and order in a specific State or locality. Exceptions to this condition will be limited to:
(1) Cases of sudden and unexpected emergencies as described in Sec. 215.4(c)(1)(i), which require that immediate military action be taken.
(2) Providing military resources to civil authorities as prescribed in Sec. 215.9 of this part.
(b) The Attorney General of the United States has been designated to receive and coordinate preliminary requests from States for Federal military assistance authorized by 10 U.S.C. 331 (Sec. 215.4(c)(2)(i)(a)). Formal requests from States for such aid will be made to the President, who will determine what Federal action will be taken.
(c) The Secretary of the Army is delegated any and all of the authority of the President under chapter 15 of title 10, U.S.C. (Sec. 215.4(c)(2)(i) (a), (b), and (c)) which has been or may be hereafter delegated by the President to the Secretary of Defense.
(d) The Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Air Force are delegated all that authority which has been or may be hereafter delegated by the President to the Secretary of Defense to order to active duty, units and members of the Reserve Components under their respective jurisdictions, except National Guard units and members, for use pursuant to chapter 15 of title 10, U.S.C. (Sec. 215.4(c)(2)(i) (a), (b), and (c)).
(e) DoD components and their subordinate activities will coordinate with local civil authorities or local military commanders as appropriate, to assure mutual understanding of the policies and procedures to be adhered to in an actual or anticipated civil disturbance situation.
(f) DoD civilian employees generally should not be used to assist civil authorities in connection with civil disturbances, except as provided for in Sec. 215.9(b)(3).
(g) The prepositioning of more than a battalion-sized unit, as authorized in Sec. 215.6(a)(6), will be undertaken only with the approval of the President. Requests for the prepositioning of forces will be addressed to the Attorney General.