Terms used in this part are defined in Joint Publication 1-02 (available at http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/dod_dictionary/) and this section. These terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this part.
Eligible voter. Any of the following:
(1) Absent uniformed services voter:
(i) A member of a uniformed service on active duty who, by reason of such active duty, is absent from the place of residence where the member is otherwise qualified to vote.
(ii) A member of the merchant marine who, by reason of service in the merchant marine, is absent from the place of residence where the member is otherwise qualified to vote.
(iii) A spouse or dependent of a member referred to in the first two sentences of this definition who, by reason of the active duty or service of the member, is absent from the place of residence where the spouse or dependent is otherwise qualified to vote.
(2) Overseas voter:
(i) An absent uniformed services voter who, by reason of active duty or service, is absent from the United States on the date of the election involved;
(ii) A person who resides outside of the United States and is qualified to vote in the last place in which the person was domiciled before leaving the United States; or
(iii) A person who resides outside of the United States and (but for such residence) would be qualified to vote in the last place in which the person was domiciled before leaving the United States.
Federal office. The offices of President or Vice President; Presidential Elector; or of Senator or Representative in; or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to Congress.
Installation voter assistance (IVA) offices. The office designated by the installation commander to provide voter assistance to military personnel, voting-age military dependents, Government employees, contractors, and other civilian U.S. citizens with access to the installation. IVA offices also serve as voter registration agencies pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1973gg-5(a)(2).
Installation voter assistance officer (IVAO). An individual responsible for voting assistance coordination at the installation level.
Metrics. A systematic means of measuring essential management information for reporting, control, and process improvement.
Recruitment offices of the Military Services. Any office of a military service open to the public and engaged in the recruitment of persons for appointment or enlistment in an Active Component of the Military Services. This does not include Army National Guard and Air National Guard recruiting offices.
Senior service voting representative (SSVR). A uniformed member at the 0-7 grade, or higher, or a member of the Senior Executive Service responsible for implementing the FVAP in his or her respective component.
Service voting action officer (SVAO). An individual at a uniformed service headquarters level responsible for voting assistance operations for his or her respective component.
State. As defined in 42 U.S.C. 1973ff-6.
State election. Any non-Federal election held solely, or in part, for selecting, nominating, or electing any candidate for any State office, such as Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Attorney General, or State Legislator, or on issues of Statewide interest.
Uniformed services. As defined in 42 U.S.C. 1973ff-6(7).
Unit voting assistance officer (UVAO). An individual responsible for voting assistance at the unit level.
Voter registration agency. An office designated pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1973gg-5 to perform voter registration activities. Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1973gg-5(c), a recruitment office of the Military Services is considered to be a voter registration agency. All IVA offices are also designated as voter registration agencies pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1973gg-5(a)(2).