(a) The Board of Regents shall maintain a complete transcript or electronic recording adequate to record fully the proceedings of each meeting, or portion of a meeting, closed to the public, except that in the case of a meeting, closed to the public pursuant to Sec. 242a.4(j), the Board shall maintain either such a transcript or recording, or a set of minutes.
(b) Where minutes are maintained they shall fully and clearly describe all matters discussed and shall provide a full and accurate summary of any action taken, and the reasons for such actions, including a description of each of the views expressed on any item and the record of any roll call vote (reflecting the vote of each member on the question). All documents considered in connection with any action shall be identified in such minutes.
(c) The Board shall maintain a complete, verbatim copy of the transcript, a complete copy of the minutes, or a complete electronic recording of each meeting or portion of a meeting, closed to the public, for a period of at least 2 years after such meeting, or until 1 year after the conclusion of any Board proceeding with respect to which the meeting or portion was held, whichever occurs later.
(d) Public availability of records shall be as follows:
(1) Within 10 days of receipt of a request for information (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays), the Board shall make available to the public, in the offices of the Board of Regents, USUHS, Bethesda, Maryland, the transcript, electronic recording, or minutes of the discussion of any item on the agenda, or of any item of the testimony of any witness received at the meeting, except for such item or items of such discussion or testimony as the Executive Secretary determines to contain information which may be withheld under Sec. 242a.4.
(2) Copies of such transcript, or minutes, or a transcription of such recording disclosing the identity of each speaker, shall be available at the actual cost of duplication or transcription.
(3) The determination of the Executive Secretary to withhold information pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section may be appealed to the Board. The appeal shall be circulated to individual board members. The Board shall make a determination to withhold or release the requested information within 20 days from the date of receipt of a written request for review (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays).
(4) A written request for review shall be deemed received by the Board when it has arrived at the offices of the Board in a form that describes in reasonable detail the material sought.