Information that has not been given a security classification pursuant to the criteria of an Executive Order, but which may be withheld from the public for one or more of the reasons cited in FOIA exemptions 2 through 9 shall be considered as being for official use only. No other material shall be considered or marked ``For Official Use Only'' (FOUO) and FOUO is not authorized as an anemic form of classification to protect national security interests. See DNA Instruction 5230.2A \5\ for additional information regarding FOUO policy.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\5\ See footnote 2, to Sec. 291.6(a)---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Prior FOUO application. The prior application of FOUO markings is not a conclusive basis for withholding a record that is requested under the FOIA. When such a record is requested, the information in it shall be evaluated to determine whether, under current circumstances, FOIA exemptions apply in withholding the record or portions of it. If any exemption or exemptions apply or applies, it may nonetheless be released when it is determined that no governmental interest will be jeopardized by its release.
(b) Historical papers. Records, such as notes, working papers, and drafts retained as historical evidence of DNA actions enjoy no special status apart from the exemptions under the FOIA.
(c) Time to mark records. The marking of records at the time of their creation provides notice of FOUO content and facilitates review when a record is requested under the FOIA. Records requested under the FOIA that do not bear such markings, shall not be assumed to be releaseable without examination for the presence of information that requires continued protection and qualifies as exempt from public release.
(d) Distribution statement. Information in a technical document that requires a distribution statement pursuant to DNA Instruction 5230.24A shall bear that statement and may be marked FOUO, as appropriate.
(e) Termination. The originator or other competent authority, e.g., initial denial and appellate authorities, shall terminate ``For Official Use Only'' markings or status when circumstances indicate that the information no longer requires protection from public disclosure. When FOUO status is terminated, all known holders shall be notified, to the extent practical. Upon notification, holders shall efface or remove the ``For Official Use Only'' markings, but records in file or storage need not be retrieved solely for that purpose.
(f) Disposal. (1) Nonrecord copies of FOUO materials may be destroyed by tearing each copy into pieces to preclude reconstructing, and placing them in regular trash containers. When local circumstances or experience indicates that this destruction method is not sufficiently protective of FOUO information, local authorities may direct other methods but must give due consideration to the additional expense balanced against the degree of sensitivity of the type of FOUO information contained in the records.
(1) Nonrecord copies of FOUO materials may be destroyed by tearing each copy into pieces to preclude reconstructing, and placing them in regular trash containers. When local circumstances or experience indicates that this destruction method is not sufficiently protective of FOUO information, local authorities may direct other methods but must give due consideration to the additional expense balanced against the degree of sensitivity of the type of FOUO information contained in the records.
(2) Record copies of FOUO documents shall be disposed of in accordance with the disposal standards established under 44 U.S.C. chapter 33, as implemented by DNA instructions concerning records disposal.
(g) Unauthorized disclosure. The unauthorized disclosure of FOUO records does not constitute an unauthorized disclosure of DNA information classified for security purposes. Appropriate administrative action shall be taken, however, to fix responsibility for unauthorized disclosure whenever feasible, and appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken against those responsible. Unauthorized disclosure of FOUO information that is protected by the Privacy Act, may also result in civil and criminal sanctions against responsible persons. The DNA office that originated the FOUO information shall be informed of its unauthorized disclosure.
Sec. Appendix A to Part 291--Freedom of Information Act Request (DNA
Form 524)
Suspense Item--Freedom of Information Act Request Date____________________________________________________________________Information Required in PAO NLT_________________________________________FOIA Case No.___________________________________________________________To:_____________________________________________________________________Special Instructions:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please conduct a search within your organization to determine if there is information/documents responsive to the attached FOIA request.
If you recommend withholding information from the documents requested, please refer to the FOIA exemptions listed on the reverse.
If this request is for a technical proposal, please provide the name and address for the contact person at the company which was awarded the contract and the name and office symbol to the TM.
Record time spent on this request and the number of pages copied on the enclosed DD Form 2086.
If you believe other DNA offices should be involved in processing this request, please advise PAO ASAP.
If you have any questions call PAO, 57095 or 57306. Do not place this FOIA action in distribution. ________________________________________________________________________
DNA Form 524 (28 June 90) Previous Editions Obsolete.
Explanation of Exemptions
Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552)
(b)(1) Applies to information which is currently and properly classified pursuant to an Executive Order in the interest of national defense or foreign policy. (See Executive Order 12356, DoD Regulation 5200.1-R and DNA Instruction 5400-7C.)
(1) Applies to information which is currently and properly classified pursuant to an Executive Order in the interest of national defense or foreign policy. (See Executive Order 12356, DoD Regulation 5200.1-R and DNA Instruction 5400-7C.)
(b)(2) Applies to information which pertains solely to the internal rules and practices of the Agency; this exemption has two profiles, ``high'' and ``low.'' The ``high'' profile permits withholding of a document which, if released, would allow circumvention of an agency rule, policy, or statute, thereby impeding the agency in the conduct of its mission. The ``low'' profile permits withholding if there is no public interest in the document, and it would be an administrative burden to process the request.
(2) Applies to information which pertains solely to the internal rules and practices of the Agency; this exemption has two profiles, ``high'' and ``low.'' The ``high'' profile permits withholding of a document which, if released, would allow circumvention of an agency rule, policy, or statute, thereby impeding the agency in the conduct of its mission. The ``low'' profile permits withholding if there is no public interest in the document, and it would be an administrative burden to process the request.
(b)(3) Applies to information specifically exempted by a statute establishing particular criteria for withholding. The language of the statute must clearly state that the information will not be disclosed.
(3) Applies to information specifically exempted by a statute establishing particular criteria for withholding. The language of the statute must clearly state that the information will not be disclosed.
(b)(4) Applies to information such as trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a company on a privileged or confidential basis which, if released, would result in competitive harm to the company.
(4) Applies to information such as trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a company on a privileged or confidential basis which, if released, would result in competitive harm to the company.
(b)(5) Applies to inter- and intra-agency memoranda which are deliberative in nature; this exemption is appropriate for internal documents which are part of the decision making process, and contain subjective evaluations, opinions and recommendations.
(5) Applies to inter- and intra-agency memoranda which are deliberative in nature; this exemption is appropriate for internal documents which are part of the decision making process, and contain subjective evaluations, opinions and recommendations.
(b)(6) Applies to information release of which could reasonably be expected to constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals; and
(6) Applies to information release of which could reasonably be expected to constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals; and
(b)(7) Applies to records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes that (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with law enforcement proceedings, (B) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or impartial adjudication, (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of others, (D) disclose the identity of a confidential source, (E) disclose investigative techniques and procedures, or (F) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety or any individual.
(7) Applies to records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes that (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with law enforcement proceedings, (B) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or impartial adjudication, (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of others, (D) disclose the identity of a confidential source, (E) disclose investigative techniques and procedures, or (F) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety or any individual.
(b)(8) Permits the withholding of matters contained in, or related to, examination, operating or conditions reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of, an agency responsible for the regulation and supervision of financial institutions.
(8) Permits the withholding of matters contained in, or related to, examination, operating or conditions reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of, an agency responsible for the regulation and supervision of financial institutions.
(b)(9) Permits the withholding of geological information and data including maps, concerning wells.
(9) Permits the withholding of geological information and data including maps, concerning wells.