(a) The NRO shall provide a reading room equipped with hard copy and electronic records as required in the ``Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996''. The NRO Reading Room is located at 14675 Lee Road, Chantilly VA, 20151-1715 and is open weekdays only from 8:00 am until 4:00 p.m. Requestors must call for an appointment twenty-four (24) hours in advance so that optimum customer service can be provided. (703) 808-5029. Fees will be charged for duplication of hard copy records at $.15 per page after the first 100 pages. Softcopy media provided to visitors is assessed as follows:
(1) 5.25[sec] Floppy diskette $0.50
(2) 3.5[sec] Floppy diskette $0.50
(3) CD-R Media $3.75
(4) Video Tape $4.00.
(b) The NRO FOIA Electronic Reading Room is located on the NRO Home Page: www.nro.odci.gov.