DLA adopts the rules and rates published in 32 CFR part 286, subpart F, Fee Schedule. In addition, DLA considers fees charged by a Federal Records Center to retrieve and re-file records a part of the direct costs charged to requesters.
Sec. Appendix A to Part 300--Access to DLA Records
(a) General. (1) The Defense Logistics Agency, established pursuant to authority vested in the Secretary of Defense, is an agency of DoD under the direction, authority, and control of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness, and is subject to DoD policies, directives, and instructions.
(1) The Defense Logistics Agency, established pursuant to authority vested in the Secretary of Defense, is an agency of DoD under the direction, authority, and control of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness, and is subject to DoD policies, directives, and instructions.
(2) DLA is comprised of several Components and each DLA Component is responsible for maintaining its own records; therefore, FOIA requests should be addressed to the FOIA Requester Service Center that has custody of the record sought. (See paragraph (c) of this appendix.) DLA FOIA Officers will assist requesters in determining the correct DLA Requester Service Center to address requests. (See paragraph (c) of this appendix and DLA's public Web site at www.dla.mil.)
(3) On DLA's public Web site is an index to assist in locating DLA records by category, organization, keyword search, or by contract prefix. The index is titled ``Index of Information at DLA FOIA Service Centers'' at www.dla.mil/FOIA-Privacy/servindex/pages/category.aspx.
(b) Requester Requirements. (1) Requesters are responsible for submitting a perfected request as defined in Sec. 300.3(m), FOIA Request.
(1) Requesters are responsible for submitting a perfected request as defined in Sec. 300.3(m), FOIA Request.
(2) Addressing Requests. Address requests to DLA's FOIA Requester Service Center most likely to hold the records (see paragraph (c) of this appendix for the contact information of DLA FOIA Requester Service Centers designated to receive FOIA requests). If DLA's FOIA Requester Service Center is undeterminable, address requests to DLA Headquarters FOIA Requester Service Center for proper routing.
(3) Availability of DLA Publications. Many unrestricted DLA regulations, manuals, and handbooks are available online. Visit DLA's FOIA/Privacy Web site for more information at http://www.dla.mil/foia-privacy/.
(c) Locations of DLA FOIA Requester Service Centers. Refer to the FOIA/Privacy Web page at http://www.dla.mil/FOIA-Privacy/pages/foiapocs.aspx for current points of contact at each of the DLA's FOIA Requester Service Centers.
(1) Defense Logistics Agency Headquarters, ATTN: DGA, 8725 John J. Kingman Rd., Ste 1644, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6221, Fax: 703-767-6091, Email: hq-foia@dla.mil--Responsible for broad functional areas, such as Office of the Director, General Counsel, Small Business Programs, DLA Office of Inspector General, Legislative Affairs, Equal Employment Opportunity Office, Installation Support, Human Resources, Logistics Operations, Information Operations, Acquisition, and Financial Operations. This FOIA Requester Service Center also processes FOIA requests for the following locations:
(i) DLA Transaction Service, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio--Editing/routing of logistics transactions, network interoperability and eBusiness services.
(ii) DLA Strategic Materials, Fort Belvoir, Va.--Manages the strategic and critical raw material stockpile that supports national defense needs.
(iii) DLA Europe & Africa, Kaiserslautern, Germany--Focal point for U.S. European Command's and U.S. Africa Command's theater of operations.
(iv) DLA Pacific, Camp Smith, Hawaii--Focal point for U.S. Pacific Command's theater of operations.
(v) DLA Central, MacDill AFB, Fla.--Focal point for U.S. Central Command's theater of operations.
(2) DLA Energy, 8725 John J. Kingman Rd., Ste 3729, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6222, Fax: 703-767-5022, Email: dlaenergy.efoia@dla.mil--Fuel, energy support and services, and bulk petroleum.
(3) DLA Land and Maritime, ATTN: GC, 3990 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43218-3990, Fax: 614-692-4385, Email: dscc.efoia@dla.mil--Maritime and land weapons system supply chains.
(4) DLA Aviation, 8000 Jefferson Davis Highway, Richmond, VA 23297-5000, Fax: 804-279-4137, Email: foia.dscr@dla.mil--Aviation supply chain.
(5) DLA Troop Support, 700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg 36, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5096, Fax: 215-737-2151, Email: DLATroopSupportFOIAerequest@dla.mil--Subsistence, clothing, and textiles, medical, and construction and equipment supply chains.
(6) DLA Distribution, ATTN: DDC-GC, Mission Drive, Bldg 81, New Cumberland, PA 17070-5000, Fax: 717-770-5685, Email: ddc-efoia@dla.mil--Worldwide network of 25 distribution depots and nine map support offices.
(7) DLA Disposition Services and DLA Logistics Information Service, 74 Washington Avenue North, Battle Creek, MI 49017-3084, Fax: 269-961-4534, Email: drmsefoia@dla.mil.
(i) Disposition Services: Reutilization, transfer, demilitarization, and environmental disposal and reuse.
(ii) Logistics Information Service: Manages a wide range of logistics information and identification systems.
(8) DLA Document Services, 5450 Carlisle Pike, Bldg 9, P.O. Box 2020, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0788, Fax: 717-605-3999, Email: foia.docsvcs@dla.mil--Automated document production, printing services, digital conversion and document storage.