(a) General. Participation of Army bandsmen in performances off military reservations will not interfere with the customary employment and regular engagement of local civilians in the respective arts, trades, or professions. Such participation will not directly or indirectly benefit or appear to benefit or favor any private individual, commercial venture, sect, or political or fraternal group, except as may be specifically authorized by the Secretary of Defense. The authority to determine whether the use of an Army band at a public gathering is prohibited by this section is delegated to major commanders.
(b) Suitability. Commanders authorizing participation by Army bands (except the U.S. Army Band and the U.S. Army Field Band) in their official capacties and in the performance of official duties will be guided by the following conditions of suitability:
(1) When participation is an appropriate part of official occasions attended by the senior officers of the Government or the Department of Defense in their official capacities and in the performance of official duties.
(2) For parades and ceremonies which are incident to gatherings of personnel of the Armed Forces, veterans, and patriotic organizations.
(3) At public rallies and parades intended to stimulate national interest in the Armed Forces and/or to further the community relation program.
(4) For fund drives for officially recognized Armed Forces relief agencies or charitable organizations such as the Red Cross when the proceeds are donated to such agencies.
(5) For athletic contests in which one or more Armed Forces teams are participating.
(6) In connection with recruiting activities for the Armed Forces.
(7) At official occasions and free social and entertainment activities held on or off Armed Forces installations, provided that such free social entertainment activities are conducted exclusively for the benefit of personnel of the Armed Forces and their guests. [25 FR 10700, Nov. 9, 1960]