Anyone observing violators of this or other regulations must report the activity, time, and location to the appropriate Area Access Office or the Military Police (MP) as soon as possible.
Sec. Appendix A to Subpart M of Part 552--DPCA Recreational Areas in
Training Areas
1. This listing applies to Fort Lewis only. There are no such facilities at Yakima Training Center or Camp Bonneville.
2. For DoD member use only, no permit other than ID card required.
Note: Use of specific sites is authorized only to military, retired military, DoD civilian personnel, their family members and accompanied guests. Boat launch adjacent to Officer's Club Beach on American Lake--Beachwood
areaCat Lake Picnic and Fishing Area--Training Area 19 Chambers Lake Picnic and Fishing Area--Training Area 12 (See Para 3
below)Fiander lake Picnic and Fishing Area--Training Area 20Johnson Marsh--Training Area 10Lewis Lake Picnic and Fishing Area--Training Area 16No Name Lake--Training Area 22Sequalitchew Lake Picnic Area--Training Area 2Shannon Marsh--CTA DSkeet Trap Range--2d Division Range Road, CTA ESolo Point Boat Launch--North Fort, CTA A WestSportman's Range--East Gate Road, Range 15Wright Marsh/Lake--CTA CVietnam Village Marsh--Training Area 9 and 10Spanaway Marsh--Training Area 9Sears Pond--Beachwood HousingNisqually River--Training Area 18
3. For non-DoD member use, permit required: Chambers Lake and Nisqually River for fishing only.
4. The Solo Point road and the South Sanitary Fill roads are also open in an east-west direction only to personnel of the Weyerhaeuser Corporation and Lone Star Corporation, and their assigns, for business or recreation access to adjacent Army owned real estate.
Sec. Appendix B to Subpart M of Part 552--Non-Permit Access Routes
1. This listing applies only to Fort Lewis. There are no such routes on Yakima Training Center or Camp Bonneville.
2. The following public easement routes may be used without permit or check-in: I-5. Steilacoom-DuPont Road (ET 286163 or ET 301229).Pacific Highway Southeast (ET 231121 to ET 249143).Washington State Route 507 (ET 363065 to ET 428146).Goodacre and Rice Kandle Roads (ET 386090 to ET 449076).8th Avenue South (ET 424047 to ET 423127).8th Avenue East (ET 439077 or ET 439128).208th Avenue (ET 423128 to ET 431128).Washington State Route 510 (ET 234065 to ET 246056 and ET 260048 to ET
272022).Yelm Highway (ET 231058 to ET 238061).Rainier Road Southeast (ES 167999 to ES 212943).Military Road Southeast (ES 212943 to ES 214945).Spurgeon Creek Road (ES 177988 to ES 178999).Stedman Road (ES 152989 to ES 167998).
3. The following military routes may be used without permit ot check-in: Huggins Meyer Road (North Fort Road, ET 304204-ET 327215)East Gate Road (C-5 Mock-up to 8th Ave South, ET 423097)Roy Cut-off (Chambers Lake) Road (East Gate Road to Roy City Limits),
when open.Lincoln Avenue (Old Madigan to ET 390179)
4. The Solo Point Road is open to Weyerhauser Corporation personnel for business and recreation.
5. DoD personnel and Fort Lewis contractor personnel on official business may use all DEH-maintained range roads and trails in the training areas.
6. Range roads closed for training by barricades or road guards will not be used. Barricades and guards will not be by-passed.
Sec. Appendix C to Subpart M of Part 552--Authorized Activities for
Maneuver Training Area Access
1. Fort Lewis: Military Training (FL Reg 350-30)DEH or Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreement for commercial use (AR
405-80)Installation service and maintenance (AR 420-74, FL Reg 350-30)
Non-DoD personnel in transit on public-access routes (appendix B) non-commercial recreational use: Hunting, fishing and trapping (FL Reg 215-1)Dog training (not allowed 1 April through 31 July in selected areas per
FL Reg 215-1)Horseback riding on roads and vehicle tracksWalking, distance runningModel airplane and rocket flying (Range Control scheduling and Notice to
Airmen (NOTAM) required)Model boatingOrienteeringSport parachutingOrganized rifle and pistol competition (Range Control scheduling
required)Scout activities and weekend camporeesObservation of wildlife and vegetationNon-commercial picking of ferns, mushrooms, blackberries, apples and
other vegetationPhotographyHiking
2. Yakima Training Center: Military Training (FL Reg 350-31)DEH or Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreement for commercial use (AR
405-80)Installation service and maintenance (AR 420-74)
Non-Commercial recreational use: Hunting, fishing and trapping (FL Reg 215-1)Dog trainingHorseback riding on roads and vehicle tracksWalking, distance runningModel airplane and rocket flying (Range Control scheduling and Notice to
Airmen (NOTAM required) OrienteeringSport parachutingOrganized rifle and pistol competition (Range Control scheduling
required)Scout activitiesObservation of wildlife and vegetationPhotographyHikingCamping, per Paragraph 6
3. Camp Bonneville: Military Training (FL Reg 350-32)DEH or Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreement for commercial use (AR
405-80)Installation service and maintenance (AR 420-74)
Non-Commercial recreational use: Hunting, fishing and trapping (FL Reg 215-1)Dog trainingHorseback riding on roads and vehicle tracksWalking, distance runningModel boatingOrienteeringOrganized rifle and pistol competition (Range Control scheduling
required)Scout activities and weekend camporeesObservation of wildlife and vegetationNon-commercial picking of ferns, mushrooms, blackberries, apples and
other vegetationPhotographyHiking
Note: Permit holders for the above activities must certify that they are non-commercial and not for profit.
Sec. Appendix D to Subpart M of Part 552--Unauthorized Activities in
Maneuver Training Areas
1. Fort Lewis: Civilian paramilitary activities and combat games.Off-pavement motorcycle riding.Off-road vehicle operation.Hang gliding.Ultralight aircraft flying.Hot air ballooning.Souvenir hunting and metal-detecting, including recovery of ammunition
residue or fragments, archaeological or cultural artifacts, or
geological specimens.Vehicle speed contests.Wood cutting or brush picking, without DEH or Corps of Engineer permit.Commercial activities conducted for profit, including horseback riding
rentals or guide service, dog training for reimbursement, or
fund-raising events for other than non-profit organizations
working in the public good. Fund raisers require DEH Real
Estate Agreement. For-profit activities require Corps of
Engineer leases or permits, obtained through the DEH Real
Estate Office.Overnight camping outside of DPCA sites (camping on DPCA sites is open
to DoD members only, per above).Consumption of alcoholic beverages.
2. Yakima Training Center: Civilian paramilitary activities and combat games.Off-pavement motorcycle riding.Off-road vehicle operation.Hang gliding.Ultralight aircraft flying.Hot air ballooning.Souvenir hunting and metal-detecting, including recovery of ammunition
residue or fragments, archaeological or cultural artifacts.Vehicle speed contests.Commercial activities conducted for profit, including dog training for
reimbursement, or fund-raising events for other than non-
profit organizations working in the public good. Fund raisers
require DEH Real Estate Agreement. For-profit activities
require Corps of Engineer leases or permits, obtained through
the DEH Real Estate Office.Overnight camping except where specifically permitted as part of the
activity by the Commander, Yakima Training Center.Consumption of alcoholic beverages.
3. Camp Bonneville: Civilian paramilitary activities and combat games.Off-pavement motorcycle riding.Off-road vehicle operation.Hang gliding.Ultralight aircraft flying.Hot air ballooning.Souvenir hunting and metal-detecting, including recovery of ammunition
residue or fragments, archaeological or cultural artifacts, or
geological specimens.Vehicle speed contests.Wood cutting or brush picking, without DEH or Corps of Engineer permit.Commercial activities conducted for profit, including horseback riding
rentals or guide service, dog training for reimbursement, or
fund-raising events for other than non-profit organizations
working in the public good. Fund raisers require DEH Real
Estate Agreement. For-profit activities require Corps of
Engineer leases or permits, obtained through the DEH Real
Estate Office.Overnight camping.Consumption of alcoholic beverages.Model airplane and rocket flying.Sport parachuting.
Sec. Appendix E to Subpart M of Part 552--References
Army Regulations referenced in this subpart may be obtained from National Technical Information Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
Fort Lewis Regulations and forms referenced in this subpart may be viewed at the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate General, Fort Lewis, Washington or at the Range Office, Headquarters, I Corps and Fort Lewis. AR 210-1 (Private Organizations on Department of the Army
Installations), with Fort Lewis Supplement 1AR 405-70 (Utilization of Real Estate)AR 405-80 (Granting Use of Real Estate)AR 420-74 (Natural Resources--Land, Forest, and Wildlife Management)FL Reg 190-11 (Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives)FL Reg 210-1 (Fort Lewis Post Regulations)FL Reg 215-1 (Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping)FL Reg 250-30 (I Corps and Fort Lewis Range Regulations)FL Reg 350-31 (Yakima Training Center Range Regulations)FL Reg 350-32 (Camp Bonneville Range Regulations)FL Policy Statement 350-2 (Training Resource Scheduling)HFL Form 473 (Training Resource Request)HFL Form 652 (Range Control Vehicle Permit)HFL Form 653 (Range Control Area Access Card)
Sec. Appendix F to Subpart M of Part 552--Abbreviations AAO Area Access OfficerAR Army RegulationCBRC Camp Bonneville Range ControlDEH Director of Engineering and HousingDPCA Director of Personnel and Community ActivitiesDPTM Director of Plans, Training and MobilizationFL Fort LewisITAM Installation Training Area ManagementLEC Law Enforcement CommandLOI Letter of IntentMP Military PolicePAO Public Affairs OfficeTA Training AreaSJA Staff Judge AdvocateUCMJ Uniform Code of Military JusticeYTC Yakima Training Center Subpart N_Operation and Use of Fort Monroe, Virginia, Fishing Facilities
Authority: 10 U.S.C. Chapter 27; 16 U.S.C. 470, 1531-1543; 18 U.S.C. 1382; 50 U.S.C. 797.
Source: 59 FR 45212, Sept. 1, 1994, unless otherwise noted.