(a) The release and denial authorities for all FOIA requests concerning military police records include PM/DES and the Commander, USACIDC. Authority to act on behalf of the Commander, USACIDC is delegated to the Director, USACRC.
(b) FOIA requests from members of the press will be coordinated with the installation public affairs officer prior to release of records under the control of the installation PM/DES. When the record is on file at the USACRC the request must be forwarded to the Director, USACRC.
(c) Requests will be processed as prescribed in 32 CFR part 518 and as follows:
(1) The installation FOIA Office will review requested reports to determine if any portion is exempt from release.
(2) Statutory and policy questions will be coordinated with the local staff judge advocate (SJA).
(3) Coordination will be completed with the local USACIDC activity to ensure that the release will not interfere with a criminal investigation in progress or affect final disposition of an investigation.
(4) If it is determined that a portion of the report, or the report in its entirety will not be released, the request to include a copy of the Military Police Report or other military police records will be forwarded to the Director, USACRC, ATTN: CICR-FP, 27130 Telegraph Road, Quantico, VA 22134. The requestor will be informed that their request has been sent to the Director, USACRC, and provided the mailing address for the USACRC. When forwarding FOIA requests, the outside of the envelope will be clearly marked ``FOIA REQUEST.''
(5) A partial release of information by an installation FOIA Office is permissible when it is acceptable to the requester. (An example would be the redaction of a third party's social security number, home address, and telephone number, as permitted by law). If the requester agrees to the redaction of exempt information, such cases do not constitute a denial. If the requester insists on the entire report, a copy of the report and the request for release will be forwarded to the Director, USACRC. There is no requirement to coordinate such referrals at the installation level. The request will simply be forwarded to the Director, United States Army Crime Records Center (USACRC) for action.
(6) Requests for military police records that have been forwarded to USACRC and are no longer on file at the installation PMO/DES will be forwarded to the Director, USACRC for processing.
(7) Requests concerning USACIDC reports of investigation or USACIDC files will be referred to the Director, USACRC. In each instance, the requestor will be informed of the referral and provided the Director, USACRC address.
(8) Requests concerning records that are under the supervision of an Army activity, or other DoD agency, will be referred to the appropriate agency for response.