(a) Permits are usually granted on a rent-free basis.
(b) The Army is authorized, however, to charge for space and space-related services provided non-DOD Federal agencies. Charges will be at rates established by GSA for the particular location pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 490 (j) and (k). Exceptions to this policy will be real property and related services provided to an organization which is solely in the support of the installation's mission. (For example: Space assigned to a FAA air controller on an Army airfield; GAO activity auditing installation programs.) Proceeds which are in excess of the actual operating and maintenance costs of providing the service shall be credited to miscellaneous receipts unless otherwise authorized by law. Reimbursement for utilities and services furnished to the permittee is the responsibility of the officer having immeditate jurisdiction over the real estate. Where the use of real estate by a Federal agency under permit is authorized and the correspondence does not include information regarding charges to be made for the real estate, clarifying information will be obtained from HQDA (DAEN-REM), Washington, DC 20314.
(c) Where real property is leased to or otherwise used by the Army and a rental or charge is paid therefor, any use of the real estate, for non-Army use, either under permit or other grant, will provide for reimbursement of a proportionate part of the rental or charge, unless otherwise approved by OCE. Reimbursement is the responsibility of the DE. Any other officer authorizing such use is responsible for notifying the DE of the non-Army use.