Without reference to higher authority, and when it is found to be in the public interest, MACOM and heads of agencies having command responsibility may grant, without consideration, revocable licenses for joint use of active Army and USAR facilities during civil disturbance for not more than 30 days to the National Guard and to municipal, county, and State officials and law enforcement agencies. Licensees must agree that the privileges granted will be without expense to the DA, that the use will be subject to the control of the officer having jurisdiction over the property, that it will remove its property from the premises when the license is terminated, that it will pay the cost of any services furnished to it by the DA, and, if a non-Federal agency, that it will hold the Government harmless from any damages or claims arising out of the use. Where it is proposed to allow such use beyond 30 days, the proposal must be submitted to HQDA (DAEN-REZ) Washington, DC 20314, for approval. Federal task force commanders, acting under instructions from the Chief of Staff, in a civil disturbance control operation may approve requests for the use of installations under their control (ref. AR 500-50).