(a) Requirements for extension. The interest acquired in land by a leasehold condemnation proceeding terminates after a one-year term, unless notice to extend the term is filed in the appropriate United States District Court. In all leasehold cases, the Division or District Engineer will ascertain from the using service whether the premises included in such condemnation proceedings will be required for an additional term. This should be done sufficiently in advance of the end of the term to allow adequate time for the action necessary to extend the term. These instructions apply to civil works projects as well as military projects.
(1) The Department of the Air Force will ascertain and advise the Chief of Engineers concerning the future requirements for the land in Air Force leasehold cases. Where the Department of the Air Force has a continuing requirement for land included in condemnation leasehold cases which are not extendible, the appropriate Division and District Engineers will be informed at the earliest practicable date.
(2) Extension of the term in a leasehold condemnation case must be accomplished through the Department of Justice which, upon request of the Chief of Engineers, will issue instructions to its field representatives to prepare a notice of election to extend the term and file it in the appropriate United States District Court. The Chief of Engineers should be advised of requirements of using services for extension of leasehold condemnation cases five months prior to the time that filing notice of extension with the court is due. The majority of pending leasehold condemnation cases require that notice to extend the term be filed with the court 30 days prior to the end of the term, although a few cases require the notice of extension to be filed at least 60 days prior to the end of the term. Negative reports are required.
(3) Since the General Services Administration is the disposal agency for excess and surplus airport property, all condemnation leaseholds forming an integral part of an airport should be extended and kept in force with the concurrence of the Department of the Air Force unless and until contrary instructions are received from the General Services Administration. In the event a bombing range or other installation in which leasehold interests have been acquired by condemnation is excess or surplus, but will not be decontaminated or dedudded prior to the end of the term, the leasehold condemnation proceeding will be extended beyond that date. In reporting leasehold condemnation cases to be extended within the categories mentioned in this paragraph, full information as to the necessity for extensions in each case should be furnished DAEN-REA-C.
(4) Specific authorization for deposit of funds in condemnation leasehold cases will be issued to Division and District Engineers by the Chief of Engineers.
(b) Termination of leasehold condemnation proceedings. If the need for all or part of the land included in a leasehold condemnation proceeding should terminate prior to the expiration of the term condemned, in the case of fixed term estates, or prior to the expiration of the right to renew by filing notice of extension, the Division or District Engineer, upon notification by the using service that the land is no longer needed, shall advise DAEN-REA-C accordingly. Prompt action will be taken by the Division or District Engineer to comply with the applicable requirements of subpart I (to be published) relative to screening real property excess to one component of the Department of Defense with all other components and Federal agencies outside of the Department of Defense. Where restoration is involved, a report will be furnished DAEN-REA-C setting forth the status thereof.
(c) Report to close leasehold condemnation cases. When the term condemned has expired or all interests have been terminated and all interests have been disposed of by final judgment, the Division or District Engineer will so advise DAEN-REA-C in order that the case may be closed. Report in accordance with Sec. 644.119(b) shall be furnished and shall also include a statement that the issue of restoration has been settled.
Acquisition by Leasing
Source: Sections 644.131 through 644.142 appear at 44 FR 31116, May 30, 1979, unless otherwise noted.