(a) Preliminary real estate work is defined as that action taken with regard to the individual ownerships leading up to, but not including, solicitation of offers from landowners. It includes preparation or procurement of tract ownership data (ENG Form 900--Tract Ownership Data, where its use is considered desirable), legal descriptions and mapping, title evidence, and individual tract appraisals. At this stage of the acquisition program, it will be necessary to make some contact with landowners, tenants, or other interested persons; for example, the appraiser's discussion of the property with the owner, his agent, or other representative (Pub. L. 91-646, sec. 301(2)). In any such contacts, information should be confined to the fact that acquisition of the real property is being considered; no acquisition action can be taken until funds are made available; and, after acquisition is approved, as much advance notice as possible will be given to all interested parties. Supply of ENG Form 900 may be requisitioned from the OCE Publications Depot in the prescribed manner.
(b) Preliminary real estate work on Army projects will be conducted as soon as design has progressed to the point at which the exact land needed has been firmly determined, or as soon as the District Engineer has determined that it is practicable to proceed.
(c) Preliminary real estate work on Air Force projects will be conducted upon request of Headquarters, USAF, or Major Air Command installations, and at the request of any of those persons designated for industrial acquisitions.